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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. I'm pretty sure he's American
  2. In a strange way I won't really mind if the takeover doesn't happen. I've spent far too much of my life obsessing over this bloody team, and I felt really liberated after Rafa left and I found I didn't actually care anymore. I've already found myself checking for takeover updates and actually knowing the upcoming fixtures recently, I will no doubt be fully sucked back in if the takeover happens. I'm not sure I want to be
  3. That has made me hope we never win anything-just to be on the safe side
  4. What's the fucking point. I hate people
  5. You are relying on this being a fair election, it won't be. Whether Biden can overcome the riggage is one thing. Even assuming he does whether Trump accepts the result is another, he is already laying the groundwork for claiming he has won no matter the result. If he does lose the lame duck period between the election and January when the handover of power is supposed to happen is going to be wild. This all further assumes he doesn't just cancel the Election because of covid
  6. I know, makes no sense. Its possible I had a couple on board
  7. I met Jack Charlton once after an away game I think at Luton. Due to knowing "fingers" I used to tickets for the players lounge. Anyway Jack strolled in and started chatting to me and my mate. He was genuinely decent. The really bizarre thing was though he wasn't tall at all. Afterwards we looked at each other and both said How come he was such a shortarse?. Its baffled me ever since
  8. I hate them because of that fucking trudge through the allotments to the away end which I'm guessing no longer exists
  9. I wish it was us who had the grown up politicians
  10. Yikes! at that team. No way am I going anywhere near this
  11. In the grand scheme of things, even tough we think NUFC is the most important part if this, it isn't. The TV rights are hugely a more important issue to sort out than our ownership, and hugely complicated, financially and politically. We are on the market for 300m, its chickenfeed compared to the TV rights
  12. Trump playbook all the way. Lie repeatedly, never admit to any mistakes, get your lickspittles to explain you didn't say what you said, claim everything in the country is the best in the world, avoid any scrutiny, fail to get held to account by a compliant press. Carbon copy, even down to the 40% of mouthbreathers, facists and just plain cunts who are happy to be lied to and keep syphoning ever increasing amounts of money to the top. I can't see any way out at the moment. Prepare for the inevitable property grab by the owner class as the virus decimates peoples livelihoods in certain sectors. They are winning sadly
  13. Summer Ray (@SummerRay) Tweeted: Losing my absolute mind at this documentary hosted by Pierce Brosnan about the legend of Robin Hood. It is one of the strongest accidental Partridges you will ever witness https://t.co/F1LLhjL1US https://twitter.com/SummerRay/status/1279872154222374914?s=20
  14. Warrior Nun on Netflix. By Christ I like some shite
  15. Her bloke is a Chelsea supporting City Trader. You can imagine what I thought of him
  16. I used to know her. Still puts me in a jealous fury whenever I see her on TV, she knew by far the least about football in our group of friends. Astonishes me she's made such a success of it
  17. So Noellie flounces and we immediately notch 4, coincidence? I think not.
  18. Just finished the third season of Dark. My brain hurts
  19. I got bought a subscription for the Athletic and really enjoy it. Well worth nowt.
  20. Really shaking the self entitled prick stereotype there
  21. I used to vaguely know Wes Saunders. Was in a pub in Boldon Colliery after a game one Saturday and I said to him pretty quiet game today Wes. He pulled his shirt up and he looked like hed been beaten with a club. Same with his legs. It was brutal
  22. Why do I listen to these cunts every day. This fucker today. Jesus Christ. My mother would do a better job than this and she's been dead four years
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