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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Look lads, his imaginary girlfriend has left. Show some respect t
  2. What do we have for entertainment? Beheady Eddie's head on the pavement
  3. Privatisation technique: defund, make sure things don’t work, people get angry, you hand it over to private capital. — Noam Chomsky
  4. I personally got huge enjoyment from watching Benitez's teams being able to defend
  5. Lads, lads lads. Be fair he is just asking questions
  6. lol If that's true it will be hilarious
  7. I hope this is true but Omnicron seems worse than OG covid and and Alpha, and as far as I am aware it could have developed from one of them If you get a variety that is as transmissible as omicron and as brutal as delta then we will be turbofucked because its a stone cold certainty they won't do anything to prevent the spread. We just got lucky that Omnicron seems to be not as lethal as Delta
  8. Mrs Sponge, "what are you laughing at?" We are just discussing the poetry of James Joyce and his muse on Toontastic, pet
  9. Blimey “A SUDDEN IMMODEST NOISE MADE BY YOU BEHIND” “The smallest things give me a great cockstand—a whorish movement of your mouth, a little brown stain on the seat of your white drawers, a sudden dirty word spluttered out by your wet lips, a sudden immodest noise made by you behind and then a bad smell slowly curling up out of your backside.
  10. I went to see the Queen and she said "would you like a cake or a meringue" I said "no you're reet I'll have a cake"
  11. I actually saw Wee Bobby live at the Wimbledon theatre in the early 80s. His act couldn't have changed since the war, jokes about rationing and these new things called cheque books. It was still fucking hilarious but here were a few very confused southerners in the audience
  12. Well apart from measles mumps rubella tetanus polio meningitis sepsis diphtheria and whooping cough.
  13. I'm not stopping anybody using the NHS, their body, their choice. Actions have consequences Ooh I was going to vote Labour but somebody said something nasty about me so now I have to vote Tory
  14. Don't want the vaccine don't take it, but if you get ill you can check yourself into one of them antivax hospitals and let a YouTube dr prescribe you horse laxative or whatever the latest fad is. Oh and no going into pubs, restaurants cinemas or football grounds And get your food delivered Your body your choice
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