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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. I'm already shitting bricks about tonight. I think I preferred when I had no idea we were even playing
  2. I still feel sorry for the "cat in the wheelie bin martyr" Very wrongly persecuted imo
  3. Been off on my android phone since some unearthly hour this morning. Just reappeared now
  4. That's my experience exactly, and my viewpoint and feelings to the letter
  5. I've watched it. The bloke isn't as good a subject as the bloke of Free Solo but it's still worth a watch
  6. Not old spunky-specs greatest moment Obsessed with the sausage tho
  7. Why not both. I'm desperate for Ekitike because name is so beautifully palindromic
  8. And btw can you imagine how the fucking MSM (I'm looking at you @Dr Gloom) would be treating Carrie Symonds if she was married to a Labour PM
  9. I normally can't stand Martin Freeman but he is magnificent in this. Top notch performances all round. I'm fucked today because I was going to watch one episode before bed and did the whole thing in one go
  10. Yard Act are great. In fact in continuing my reintroduction to the outside world
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