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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. https://www.newstatesman.com/international-content/2022/02/silence-wont-make-the-ukrainian-far-right-go-away
  2. Judge Arpio, Republican nutter pardoned by Trump, not quite reading his audience. Or maybe he was
  3. The whole article is unbelievable really. The outlook for the club is genuinely beyond anything I could ever have thought possible, and I've always been a bit of a dreamer. They are obviously very skilled at the P.R. and know the right things to say, but fuck me I got a little emotional reading that
  4. Fuck me, that is fucking gruesome It's hard to keep believing humans are intrinsically good
  5. He's not the new Keegan, if anything he seems more like Benitez with the obsessive attention to detail work ethics. I was gutted at the time that Rafa wasn't available, but in hindsight seems we might have the best parts of Rafa's coaching but with a more progressive style and his best years ahead of him. So far definitely better than I expected
  6. I take it the kids weren't black or Pedro would've laced them
  7. Exactly. Green energy and carbon free. Fuck you Russian bear
  8. Agree with this, but its also wheat. I think Russia produces 25% of the worlds wheat. Also whilst it is tempting just to go straight to obliterating Putin the sad truth is you have to try and leave some diplomatic avenues or you are pretty much guaranteed MAD.
  9. Yes because that's exactly what I was saying. Well done, you got me
  10. Our best hope is he is taken out from within, sadly that seems very unlikely
  11. Let's be honest it's rose over the whole region. I'm no way saying this to give any credit or support to Putin
  12. I've gone from thinking there is no way we would see tanks in Kviv (nailed that one) to worrying that Putin is so unstable he might go nuclear. I ssume they just hope he gets bogged down in a never ending war that is contained
  13. From that article Neo-Nazism Emblem featuring a Wolfsangel and Black Sun, two symbols associated with Nazism The Azov Battalion has been described as a far-right militia[33] with connections to neo-Nazism, with members wearing neo-Nazi and SS symbols and regalia and expressing neo-Nazi views.[76][77] The group's insignia features the Wolfsangel[52][78][77][79][80] and the Black Sun,[78][81][82] two neo-Nazi symbols. Azov soldiers have been observed wearing Nazi-associated symbols on their uniforms.[83] In 2014, the German ZDF television network showed images of Azov fighters wearing helmets with swastika symbols and "the SS runes of Hitler's infamous black-uniformed elite corps".[84] In
  14. Zelensky obviously isnt, they elected a TV star for goodness sake. And its obviously bullshit from Putin to use it as an excuse but I mean some of the armed forces literally have Nazi symbols on their uniforms. They are not exactly hiding it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Battalion
  15. Surely the bearded wonder will step in co-sponser with the Mackems in a glorious sporting empire
  16. Ukraine for decades has had separatists. And it had a pro-Russia government for the most part. The West, going back at LEAST to the Obama years, funded people militantly against that Ukrainian government. That includes the nazis. That side largely won, and Ukraine is not so pro-Russia anymore. Of course the West says this means it’s transitioning to a burgeoning democracy. Never mind the dirty work done for dirty motives. So Putin says well you know what, I’m gonna recognize the separatists then, how do you bastards like that? Just so happens the separatists and the nazis are on opposite sides. Obviously Putin is full of shit but there a lot of unsavoury characters in the Ukraine
  17. If you are hit hard enough in the head to need an assessment you shouldn't be allowed back on the pitch anyway. If they make it a "free" substitution fair enough
  18. The financial route is the only way to dislodge Putin. Make life unbearable for his crony oligarchs, freeze their assets and expell them from western countries. They will soon cut him loose
  19. Early season but Cav looking good yesterday @wykikitoon what do ypu reckon his chances of getting the nod for the Tour
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