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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. US working as it is meant to
  2. Arena gigs are all shite, but you can always get something out of seeing live music at a small venue. Even if its Sporty
  3. I wish you were right but I genuinely think you have to have some level of psycopathy to make it to the top in politics or business
  4. Not sure I would completely dismiss the article. One thing for sure is the West isn't basing it's policy on human rights, or Ukraines freedom, it's down to the same thing it always is, oil and resources
  5. I'm bringing the doom and gloom today Still I'm sure the govt are on top of this new spike........
  6. This is a long, but to my mind interesting and accurate appraisal of a possible endgame. Spoilers does not end in total nuclear distruction https://samf.substack.com/p/giving-peace-a-chance?s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
  7. Not sure I completely agree. I think the redline has always been attacking a NATO country, and thats why Putin has gone through with this invasion. I also think he has probably been surprised by the resistance of Ukraine, the uselessness of his groundforce and the swiftness and severity of sanctions. So in a way I think it make him less likely to try and expand further
  8. You know you've gone too far when Rents is telling me to calm down And relax..... Fuck all I can do about it anyway
  9. There's no such thing as European NATO going it alone, the whole point of NATO is one in all in, if that breaks Putin has already won. On top of that NATO has an overwhelming advantage in conventional warfare, Russia would immediately have only one retaliatory option
  10. I don't know if there is anyone who would be able to stop him, and lets be honest once a nuke goes off all bets are off. Either we respond in kind and it all goes off, or we don't and there's nothing to stop him
  11. Personally I think the West should be doing everything we can to avoid nuclear war, and a desperate Putin with his finger on the nuclear button terrifies me. I've got no good answers by the way, I don't think there are any
  12. Who is likely to wield the icepick, and who do you think follows him into power?
  13. I dont think he is going to win, but i dont see how he accepts losing What does a Putin loss look like?
  14. My worry, well one of many, is that sanctions that make the populace poorer usually make autocrats/dictators stronger. It makes it easier to portray the West as the enemy. The only end I can see to this is Putin winning, or being able to claim a win, or an escalation which would seem to lead to nuclear war. Callous aa it sounds, Ukraine being overrun quickly and a puppet regine being installed would have lead to the least death, and the earliest "peace" At the minute with the West rushing to arm Ukraine it looks like at best its going to be a long drawn out struggle with untold thousands dead The only people benefitting from this war at the moment are the arms manufacturers and the oil/gas producers. Same as it ever was
  15. So there's loads less testing going on, so cases probably being undercounted. Shall we check the official figures... seems like not good news
  16. Thinks to self, doesn't the cricket start today. ...........oh dear
  17. @trooper There ypu go Troops = Wilko some fucking guitarist like
  18. I hated that cunt. No Superstars in my teams wanker
  19. Same band, same year Liverpool Empire
  20. I want that Zapata bloke based purely on his nickname being the beast. Ive never seen him play obviously
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