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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. They wouldn't have voted yes if it wasn't already going through. Pure kayfabe
  2. The same chancellor whose wife is richer than the fucking queen, the dwarf cunt
  3. The Many Saints of Newark. Utter Gash Boiling Point. Can't say I enjoyed it because it made me feel like I was having a panic attack. I've worked in a kitchen and it captured the tension and atmosphere perfectly. Magnificent
  4. I was rereading the start of the covid thread the other day (I know I know) and there were a couple of main things that stood out. First @Renton got a load of stick but was pretty much right about everything Second, there was a naive hope that it was such a catastrophic event that, much like after the war, a better society would come out of it. How wrong that has been proved, the richer are much much richer, and poverty has fucking spiralled. It's over. The corporations have won. They control the institutions, the message the government.
  5. I'm not having a go at you here, just the public in general, but while people believe this the frog will continue to slowly boil, and things will get gradually worse.
  6. Couldn't agree more about the EU. US is in the same boat as us, just going to be a playground for the Super rich with everyone else fucked. China will be the global economic superpower, but the EU has a good chance of forging its own successful path
  7. We've been in decline for forty years. There is no dawn coming. UK has had its time in the sun, its squandered its resources and we have a completely unequal and increasingly divided society It's shit and it's only going to get worse. All Empires end and we are no exception
  8. It will be more cynical than that. They will use this bloke as proof that they are inclusive and caring, while still ramping up the hate filled rhetoric The trans equivalent of I can't be a racist I've got a black friend
  9. The Dr said my Mother had acute angina. I didn't know where to look
  10. It was crazy. Exciting stuff mind Probably a good job it rained otherwise we would have ended up with 6 laps They had to cut the Moto2 to half distance because neither the track or the tyres would last. Pathetic The Marquez high-side was horrifying. I don't think he will retire, but if he does get back I hope he doesn't do himself permanent damage. Much as I dislike him I wouldn't wish that on anyone. He used to be a danger to everybody else, now he's mainly a danger to himself
  11. I should add if the comedian was comedy dave all bets are off
  12. He was laughing at it until he saw his wife was pissed off.
  13. Marching on stage to sucker punch a comedian for telling an edgy joke where he is employed to tell edgy jokes is a cunts move
  14. Italy has always been my second team, I've always loved watching them play and sometimes even preferred them to England Didn't stop me laughing my tits off last night
  15. Today it is 3,869 days since Newcastle beat Sunderland. That's not quite the own he thinks it is
  16. If you take it as granted there is no such thing as bad publicity, the you could argue that since the Saudi takeover our media profile is so high we should be able to charge absolute top dollar for any sponsorship
  17. Facts don't mean anything to these idiots. They will just pivot to the next bullshit talking point
  18. I hear you there Sister. And let me tell you, they never change
  19. Sadly even the latest pandemic proves that not true. Alpha was worse than OG Coviid, and Delta was worse than that. Just need to keep our fingers crossed that we don't get a worse variant because there won't be any more mitigation and it will be carnage
  20. I don't think he actually believed what he was saying, just enjoyed trotting out right wing talking points to see who he could rile up. The twat
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