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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Personally I think it's hilarious. Anybody who is offended was going to find something to be offended about anyway. Fuck em
  2. They could have at least released the "before" version
  3. https://twitter.com/FreddieRaynolds/status/1463960623402913797?s=20&t=I5krAFED-NZ3aEjXPivYrA Don't know why tweet hasn't embedded, but it's someone saying how to export Luna 6 months ago and predicting exactly what happened
  4. I'm probably wrong but I'm not sure about Lingard or Coutinho I much prefer a Johnny foreigner I've never heard of
  5. On a happier note look how shit fanny Brendan is with xP
  6. Nah, keeping it private is just another way to exploit workers. All Denmarks salaries are available to view and it's lead to higher wages across the board, especially at the bottom end
  7. I quite like him but the truth is he will either have to play much better to have a place in the team or he'll be out. The one thing that isn't going to happen is him guaranteed a place in the team but being shite. Either option good by me
  8. Mrs Sponge liked Suits, my only enjoyement came from saying "future Queen of England you know" every time Markle came on the screen
  9. I'd have them all shot, apart from Harry and Megan because she was canny in Suits Eta. I'd wait for the Queen to die first out of respect for my Ma
  10. You can judge what he does when/if he gains power. Everything else is pretty much irrelevant until then
  11. It's a sad indictment of the public and the media that it's taken this long for people to start seeing Johnson for what he is. I've got one thing in common with @Rayvin I despair for the future
  12. I don't think thats fair. His one job is to make Labour electable again after the shitshow that was the 2019 election, which he is doing successfully.
  13. Completely agree that he is competent and has integrity, and would make an infinitely better pm than Johnson. He has had a fantastic career and is obviously very intelligent. For me though he isn't an inspiring public speaker, often seems awkward in interviews and just comes over as pretty dull. Personality vacuum I grant you may be a bit harsh
  14. There's a reason "Oppositions don't win elections Governments lose them" is such an oft quoted maxim. Starmer is far from my ideal politician and he's a personality vacuum but he's doing exactly what he needs to do
  15. By the same token the "Boris" ultras in the Tory party will hopefully have the same effect
  16. Also Starmer will obviously resign if he is fined so I've no idea why he doesn't just get ahead of thr game and say it
  17. I was delighted Corbyn won, I still think his was the best set of policies we've seen in a manifesto in a very long time, but I am more than willing to admit he was a disaster as a leader. The anti semitism, his vacuum regarding Brexit and his overall complete ineptness as a politician were sickeningly bad
  18. Wes Streeting is the best media performer by far in my book. Haven't seen as much of him in the Commons to know how he would perform there
  19. Labour's best share of the vote in a decade BBC: Labour's disappointing performance
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