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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. I've never met a Chelsea fan who wasn't a cunt and I've worked in London for 40 years. Its an infallible law So yes I hope they go bust
  2. 😆 can't believe I've never heard that before
  3. 3 lifetime appointments who are all young. Unless he packs the court, which he has shown no intention of doing, the court is gone for a generation
  4. The religious far right now control the judiciary in the US. Elections will matter less and less in the future because at the very least Republicans will have the power to block anything they don't want with an increasingly small share of the vote Look at Biden, he nominally has the presidency the house and the senate but he can't pass anything worthwhile. Even if he wanted to US going to be a strange place in the next few years
  5. I think we will put up a good show but will submit to the inevitable during the second half
  6. Even if that is complete fantasy I am going to choose to believe it as fact
  7. I don't see it the same way. He is by many accounts the richest man in the world, but whereas before he would be welcomed anywhere in the world now he will be a pariah. If we get out of this without starting WW3 that is much more of a victory
  8. Certainly feeding the military industrial complex. Sorry couldn't help myself
  9. I think a partitioned Ukraine is inevitable, its just how long we take to get there. You make think that's a defeatist view, but let's not forget Russia annexed the Crimea in 2014 but held the World Cup in 2018 without a whimper of protest. You seem to think some sort of settlement in Ukraine will lead to Putin invading somewhere else, personally I can't see him taking on a NATO country, because even if he ends up with the Dombas the Crimea and Odessa make no mistake this has been a humiliation for him and Russia. Best outcome imo is negotiate a settlement, stop the war and stop buying his fucking oil.
  10. Nobody is saying this, you're better than this
  11. I've tried to avoid my main bugbear about this war, which is everything the US does, so by proxy the rest of the west, is about oil gas and other commodities. It's ludicrous to be advocating possible nuclear war when we ate funding arussia by buying its fuel
  12. Again I'm not trying to justify Putins position here but you can understand why he might have some paranoia about NATO intentions
  13. I would point you back to the Guardian article you quoted. You have to somehow get to a negotiated settlement. I don't understand how you can think Putin is an insane psychopath bully obsessed with the Russian Empire, and be so confident he won't go nuclear if the west attack him
  14. I want to know what you think this looks like or how it's achieved, because I can't see anyway it can happen without millions of people dying
  15. Well I think the red line already exists and that is attacking a NATO country. We aren't there yet and if stopping us getting to WW3 and/or MAD then yes I think we should be willing to sit down and allow him some wins in Ukraine, as disgusting a situation as I readily admit that is
  16. My overwhelming desire is for the war and the killing and the death to stop. Escalating the situation is the worst outcome. Unfortunately neither side appear to want this yet I hope Putin drops dead today to be frank, but it wouldn't guarantee what followed would be any better There are no good solutions, but at some point there has to be a negotiated peace and I would like to get there with as little death as possible
  17. That's exactly my stance, unfortunately I think the West or specifically the US/UK is too invested to take the realpolitik option. The rest of Europe maybe able to take the lead I hope so. I hesitated to post this pic, but I think ghere is some truth to it
  18. I've said this before as well but his palindromic nature beguiled me
  19. The war drums are beating. The US are talking about regime change. The UK are saying you can use UK weapons to attack Russian targets It's Putins fault but the West is leaving him nowhere to go.
  20. So I've been getting my funk on lately and came across this James Brown gig I went to at the Hammersmith Odeon back in 85. He was 50 odd so it's obviously not peak JB, but it stands up pretty well. And his band were tight! https://youtu.be/a01p46PmoyE
  21. I've come to the conclusion you just can't have Gerard and Lampard in the same division
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