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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. I quite enjoyed the Sandler film but in all honesty it was cliche ridden pap. Disappointing because Uncut Gems was something special
  2. We used to go this great club night with people from her record label. Only problem it was a Sunday, Mondays were a mare for us civilians with jobs https://www.thesocial.com/hvn44-the-heavenly-sunday-social/ I used to work in Soho and their label headquarters were round the corner. My mate rang me at work once and said take the sfternoon off and get down to The Ship in Wardour Street me and Sarah are with a couple of mates. Mates turned out to be Bobby Gillespie, Mani, and Noel Liam and Bonehead This would be just as Definitely Maybe came out
  3. She went out with one of my oldest friends for about 15 years. They only split up because she wanted kids and he didn't. The rest of us still shake our heads sadly when we think about it To be honest I haven't seen her for about 10 years as our paths don't really cross any more since she got married out of the group of friends, and we all got old, but from end of the 80s to early 2000s she was one of the gang It has to be said she was a riot.
  4. I'm friends with SC and I can assure you she is gorgeous in every way
  5. We can atill be frightened of asylum seekers, don't worry about that
  6. And this is why the country is fucked and we will likely never get a labour govt again. People are idiots episode 435
  7. His son was in my class at school. He was a right cunt Rip
  8. I watch it because I'm somewhat obsessed by Winona, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else
  9. Never watched a second of that fat craphound And before you ask Little Britain can cunt off as well
  10. I've never seen a full episode of that dreck. I genuinely find it offensively unwatchable
  11. No way he resigns. Still think we are on for snap election. The less votes he gets the more likely it is
  12. Good question, I think the Commons has to vote for it, so the opposition and the payroll tories would get it over the line
  13. I think this is exactly what will happen. Full scorched earth
  14. The bloke playing Malcolm Maclaren appears to be auditioning for a cartoon part in the remake of Roger Rabbit
  15. https://www.football365.com/news/klopp-guardiola-premier-league-manager-rankings-conte-howe
  16. I saw the Undertones without Fergal and I couldn't get away with it all, it just made me sad
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