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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. I disagree with this. At some point you have to win the argument or everything will just keep getting worse
  2. I'd still vote anti Tory even if the opposition weren't worth voting for is my admittedly self contradictory position. I've voted in every single vote I've been eligible for for 42 years. At this point though I'm not sure the argument that alternative is worse is an argument that holds up though. It's the same argument that was used to get Biden in in America and that's not exactly going well If you don't stand with the workers what's the point of Labour. They are barely a party of the left anymore We are basically following the US into having one extreme Nationalist party and an old school one nation Tory party I think we've lost basically under the present system. We are the boiled frog. Maybe its time to have the whole thing burn and see what rises from the ashes I like this bloke though, we need more like him
  3. If Starmer disciplines MPs for standing on the picket lines today that's me done with Labour til he's gone
  4. That graphic is so depressing, but also shows that Starmer really meets to make the case for the workers, somebody has to
  5. I think supports my point tbh. He's going to lied about and vilified whatever, so at least show people what you are about. And I think he did that during the pandemic well, and came out of it looking good
  6. Negotiation by press release; guaranteed good fath
  7. I watched 7 hours of series 2 of The Boys whilst wfh yesterday
  8. Meanwhile Starmer tells his front bench to stay off the pocket line. It's cowardice like this that makes it so hard for me to consider him a decent leader
  9. RRR Very possibly the greatest film I have ever seen in my life Indescribable. Strap yourselves in and enjoy
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jun/19/labour-must-break-partys-silence-on-brexit-says-stella-creasy
  11. Until somebody somewhere starts being honest about Brexit the country will stay utterly fucked
  12. My big problem with signing Ekitike is every time I see his name I start singing that fucking Elton John dirge Nikita in my head and its driving me mental
  13. I was going to write a supportive post for Southgate based on getting to consecutive semi then finals, having seen nothing but shite in my long long life The I realised I haven't seen a single second of these games, and I don't care anyway, so I didn't bother
  14. I'd ask why not, if it makes one person feel better or one Daily Mail reader angry then it's worthwhile
  15. Yes but no but. Can't help but think the thing he has resigned over is designed to do the least damage to Johnson and by extension the Tories Hasn't resigned over Partygate, misleading Parliament, breaking the law, withholding information about his flat refurbishment, overriding treaties signed by himself, withdrawing from EHRC which would break the Good Friday agreement and on and on and on. No he has resigned over something that Johnson can spin as looking after industry and people jobs. In on it, and looking after his own, just like the rest of them.
  16. That hour after tea was one of the best hours of cricket I have ever seen
  17. Shaping up to be quite the days cricket
  18. Bookman- greatest incidental character ever Philip Baker Hall RIP
  19. Decent article in the Athletic about Ashworth. https://theathletic.com/3358870/2022/06/13/dan-ashworth-newcastle-fa/ Didn't realise it was it was him who did the whitewash over Mark Sampson at the FA though, on the brightside it will give the SMB brigade a couple more months of outrage to feast on
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