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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. You fuckers need to watch RRR. Just watched it for a second time. Its fucking mayhem
  2. The 3 races from Assen today were absolutely incredible. Motor sport at its absolute finest
  3. https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/34/other-other-topics/how-many-5-year-olds-10/
  4. One of the first games I ever saw Pop Robson scored a hat trick and we beat Man UFC 5-1. Jinky Jim and Wyn the Leap scored the others.
  5. And like an idiot I will still be watching QT tonight, and waiting for the by-election results to come in. Trying to fool myself it will make a difference
  6. Who is going to make these steps, certainly nobody in the current Labour Party. And if doesn't happen now it never will.
  7. We've been paying the price for the dismantling the unions for 35 years. Labour didn't try and overturn that, and now it's doing the same here. I don't want to speak for @Rayvin but if we don't draw a line in the sand we've already lost. What's the point in voting for them
  8. I seem to remember Nandy saying at the time fighting for a second referendum was wrong, and instead we should accept Brexit but fight for a good deal, stay in the SM & CU. I thought that was a surrender at the time, but I will admit I was completely wrong, and we'd got behind that plan we might not be living hhrough this shit show
  9. You heard it here first, this singer is going to be big
  10. And without wishing to unleash the shut up and take it squad from yesterday, the tactic of Kier Starmer saying nothing and letting Johnson hang himself is going to look pretty stupid when the Tories ditch him 12 months before the election and bring in a fresh face
  11. Speaking as somebody who runs a transport company in London the infrastructure is screaming out for investment. As is the rest of the country obviously
  12. I'm getting more radical as I get older. I was a massive fan of Blair at the time, still think Brown did a lot of good. For many years I have been basically on the same page as Renton, but lately I've just become more and more disillusioned and critical of certain aspects of opposition thinking Still know the enemy though
  13. Then what happens when they limp into power, you think the press are going to cheer them on all of a sudden The Tories are a beaten rudderless rabble of incompetence. Labour should be on full attack and crushing them into the dirt. The idea that Starmer will suddenly turn radical in power is barmy. The best you can hope for is he shores up the economy, gets things on a level footing before getting booted out after 4 years. That's not enough imo
  14. I've got to admit that I'm finding it incredibly depressing that even on a "lefty" forum such as this the viewpoint that it's not even worth trying to win an argument about Europe or workers pay because the media won't allow it is so prevelant
  15. Exactly, at the moment the Overton Window has shifted so far I don't see a way back
  16. I think we all want the same outcome (mostly) just disagree how to achieve it
  17. I'm at the stage of hoping he gets fined by Durham police.
  18. Well thats just not true is it. He wasn't capable of winning the argument because he was a terrible politician and leader. And he followed the don't mention the EU doctrine to the letter and look where that got us
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