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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Be a glorious double. Watch the Tories put a Europhile in charge and storm the election. They are shameless enough
  2. Theo Usherwood is LBC politics editor, knows his stuff It could be over today
  3. Brown chickening out of calling the snap election. He would have walked it and his reputation never recovered. No Cameron, no Brexit
  4. I've got an aunt 2 cousins and a nephew who live on Iona. Say hello if you see them
  5. I've got to admit I would guffaw if Starmer ended up going today Maybe this is actually all a simulation
  6. Best nickname since Bjorn Again Christensen
  7. It's fucking tragic that someone so thick can get anywhere near power, and he's not even the dimmest of the bunch
  8. Welcome to the resistance Renty. The rest of them will come round in time
  9. Unless we make them earn our votes they'll continue to half arse it and even when we win we still lose. Tory lite is still Tory. We deserve better
  10. It's also continued to get worse with Biden is my point. Electing someone who hasn't got the ability to actually make things better is pointless
  11. There is a growing majority in this country who know Brexit is a shitshow. We need to be able to vote for someone who will make and win this argument. The thought that Starmer will suddenly grow a sack when elected and take on the media and the gammons if he crawls to an electoral victory is a nonsense
  12. So let me be very clear: with Labour, Britain will not go back into the EU. We will not be joining the single market. We will not be joining a customs union. Cowardly cunt
  13. US voted for Biden. He has done nothing to reverse anything done by Trump. Still got kids in cages at the border. Did nothing to codify Roe-Wade to prevent it being abolished. Done nothing to hold Trump to account. And Trump or De Santis going to get backnin next time anyway. If there is no proper alternative voting makes no difference
  14. Maybe we need a catastrophe to actually get some sensible policy for the future. As you say this shit will condemn us to failure
  15. These reports this morning have absolutely sickened me. He's doing his very best to stop me voting for him
  16. The only decent Batman Would have been brilliant on 321, can't say that about Pattinson
  17. Best way to do it. People are too stupid to vote
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