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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. The dopers have always been 5 steps ahead of the testers. And as for British cyclists, it's practically state sanctioned
  2. Christ! This is so dull I might have to head over to the guitar thread
  3. It's not so much his tactics as his policies. Making things worse but not quite as enthusiastically as the Tories will do nothing to make the country better, and will imo have a long term worse effect
  4. Disgusting Thats not the political party for me
  5. His passing was smooth as silk, cut right through their defence
  6. This just proves my point. The Tories have won the argument, we are the same as the US in that any sensible moderate proposal is labelled socialist, even by our own side. We just keep ceding the argument and the Overton window moves inexorably to the right.
  7. It's exactly this, and as much because it will be impossible to sort the country out without facing the biggest reason for the problems we are having
  8. So Miggy? He's had quite the pre-season Sustainable?
  9. It's not you who he needs to get voting for him, he has the Pimms drinking shithouse vote locked in already
  10. I don't understand how anybody can look at Starmers performance and have any confidence that he can win an election, and if he does back his way into a victory have any chance of running a successful government
  11. Wether she has a point or not, she isn't saying anything that should have been a surprise to him. It's no secret that the Sun is despised in Liverpool. It's not a shock that left leaning people are increasingly exasperated at Starrmer abandoning all of his promised progressive policies. His response though is to sit there looking like a frightened cod.
  12. Listening to Starmer being interviewed on Radio 4. He is a total personality vacuum, and isn't saying anything that would get anyone to vote for him. Platitude upon platitude He also sounds much more like the third candidate in the Tory leadership race than anything else
  13. 47m ago Starmer's economy speech shows he wants to 'adopt Tory policies wholesale', SNP claims https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/jul/25/conservative-leadership-contest-keir-starmer-economic-growth-liz-truss-rishi-sunak-uk-politics-live?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-62de9d2c8f08d0ef4fa8e929#block-62de9d2c8f08d0ef4fa8e929 Hard to disagree with a word of that
  14. If its Brighton I'll be expecting @Meenzer to be sorting me a ticket
  15. Replace Democrat with Labour and it's spot on
  16. Actually where we disagree is I think that if Labour get in without an agenda to address Brexit and some radical policies for change then the country will still be completely fucked I don't think Starmer is capable, or wants to be that leader. The view that you have to take anyone but the Tories will, in my opinion, just contribute to a slightly slower decline, then a much faster one when they inevitably sweep back to power on the back of Labour's failure
  17. Fair enough, but that's where we disagree. This border issue I think is exactly the right sort of thing that's easy to explain. There are always going to be a sizeable group who shout the loudest, but them cunts would never vote Labour anyway Labour should be hammering this sort of thing Otherwise if they sneak in they will have no mandate to do anything about it Mind you judging by what Starmer has said he won't change it anyway
  18. Here's the problem. If you don't challenge it becomes the orthodoxy, so in the same way that the global financial crash in the the UK narrative was the fault of Labour, we are going to end up with everyone believing that the countries problems are due to anything but Brexit.
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