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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Agreed. He writes a damn sight better than he talks. His intonation is iritating as fuck as well, along with his brown tongued behaviour
  2. I just wonder how well his body will hold up. I would have thought with yhe size of his frame he might have joint and muscle issues as he progresses. No idea what his injury record is mind That's the only thing I can see that would stop him breaking every record going
  3. Unbelievably successful couple of transfer windows no matter what happens today When we got Trippier I thought we were in dreamland, but Bruno and Isak are off the charts
  4. This kid looks the fucking business. Away debut at Anfield and he looked every inch the part. I've not been this excited about a player for years
  5. So woke up this morning sickened and furious but also proud and excited about the future. Mainly though just horribly horribly hung over
  6. I've always believed David Batty getting bought cost us the title. And I'm still right. Also Craig is wrong
  7. The only thing that would ever have stopped Trump was running out of money, and he now has a limitless supply of idiots who will fund his grift for ever
  8. Just so CT doesn't have to......it obviously means he's got the arse about Pacqueta and is off to Real Madrid
  9. We've recently ordered 30 electric vans. Exciting times ahead
  10. I haven't watched Yellowstone but the prequel 1883 is just one series and is very good
  11. Blimey, looks like CT lit a fire under Ashworrh and panicked him into action
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