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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. It's not contentious it's just completely unproven. Also completely ignores the areas where he does receive the ball, which might just impact on his goal threat If you are going to make spurious claims at least put the work in
  2. It's surely one of the most important stats we can use in forming an opinion This claim is completely invalid as you completely ignore our possession percentage, amongst all the other variables. You are just cherry picking the stat the supports your position. I thought you were more rigorous than that. Sad!
  3. When was the last time ASM scored 6 in 12 stat boy?
  4. That's shows the opposite of what you think. Slag Labour off all you want but one light hearted comment against the worst lying disgraceful corrupt politician to ever rock up in parliament- instant suspension
  5. The BBC like the rest of the news media is a business looking for an audience. Nothing guarantees listeners/viewers/readers like Boris Johnson, so we are 100% guaranteed wall to wall Bring back Boris vox pops because whats what drives interaction. The impression that the nation wants him back is reinforced in a circle of bullshit
  6. Johnson in power has the best chance of splitting the Tory party and ending them as a political party Also much less likely to hammer the austerity button like the rest of them I don't want any of seemingly "competetant" ones anywhere near power, idiots will seize any chance to give them credit they don't deserve
  7. I mean I can't deny it. Johnson coming back would be awesome in its hilarity. Its the worst possible choice so it's got to be quite a good bet
  8. Please let them put Coffey in charge lol
  9. I don't think there is any chance of top 4 in all honesty. And sadly ManU do look to have got their act together after that ropey start. I think 7th is about our limit this season and I would be pretty happy with that 6th maybe if Spurs implode
  10. To be fair to Ciggy is the DM and we've got the best defensive record in the league Also to be fair he's a bit gash
  11. There's definitely a long term plan both sides of the Atlantic funded by hidden right wing money to undermine institutions and move toward deregulation Look at the way the right in America has taken over the courts The IEA is continually on the BBC I think the thread is bang on
  12. Still no mention of taxing oil companies I notice
  13. Ginola still my favourite Newcastle player. And by far the sexiest, I would have happily changed sides if he gave me the wink
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