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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Fuck me that was a half of football. Some of the quality we were producing was breathtaking. If it was a League game I would be sitting in serene nerveless calm, 100% confident. Wembley being so close has got me a wreck Hope the crowd roars them home
  2. Early day confidence has dissipated, now feeling very skittish. Drinking at far too fast a rate Bring it on
  3. It does go slowly in the middle, but stick with it the last couple if episodes are elite
  4. Ditch the milk and tea is awesome. Same as with coffee, lactating cow juice just ruins it
  5. It's a squad game these days, thinking it's one in one out is a redundant mindset
  6. Should have been 2 red cards in the last 5 minutes
  7. Mrs Sponge doesn't have much interest in football but for some reason reckons he is worth signing
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