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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. I've been supporting for seven decades and this might well be the best season I've experienced. I wouldn't swap it for anything
  2. We're going to fucking fly up that list, and it will be a beautiful sight
  3. I fucking love Mark Cavendish. That is all
  4. Nah It came out of the sky is a great CCR song Done better by aussie boys the Scientists mind
  5. Unimpressively one of my drivers' father co-wrote Margareita Time How's that for tenuous
  6. enemy of my enemy and all that but i just dont see how I can vote for this cunt
  7. Snap up Evan Ferguson from Brighton Maddison and Rice and a couple of foreigners I've never heard of Sorted
  8. "Mentored" a 12 year old who 6 years later is his boyfriend He's dunzo
  9. Got to admire the persistence.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................butnah
  10. We'd be there already if we hadn't been cheated at anfield. #fuckingscousehateobsessed
  11. I watched it with my daughter quite recently. Stood up pretty well
  12. Bagleys was for amateurs. The Cross under the arches opposite was a much better night
  13. I'd would genuinely be more pissed off about Liverpool getting champs league than us missing out I hate the cunts so much Back pre League Cup final when we were asking Cup or top4 my choice was Top4 if Liverpool come 5th
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