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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. I disagree "carra". It brought me no joy whatsoever, in fact I'd like to see Diaz correctly booked for showing a slogan on a t shirt
  2. The utter utter awfulness of the tattoo makes it so much more awesome
  3. As somebody else has already said even though he's got no right foot Trippier wouldn't have the assists or the room for crosses if he didn't link up so we'll on the right He's also starting to score again. If he hits double figures again this season I think he will be given a bit more credit (Big if I know)
  4. I think I heard somewhere that someone from Friends might be unwell
  5. Yeah, I listen to a lot of reggae, I'm all over the place really. Only things I dont really like are classic rock/ metal or Jazz. Or american Punk, jeezuz I hate shit. I've tried with Jazz a few times but always failed
  6. Aah but some of us are The Jesus and Mary Chain, but we are still Kylie. (Sorry @sammynb don't be sad)
  7. I've always had a weakness for fantastic pop acts and Boney M were certainly one of them. I distinctly remember buying London Calling the day it came out, and ending up buying Boney M's greatest hits at the same time
  8. I was just listening to this podcast Recommended by @PaddockLad himself I believe, and they claim culture and music wise the 80s started in 1979
  9. 70s also gave us Hip Hop and the beginnings of Electronic Music. It might have was the last great decade for guitar bands, when rock (and roll) was king 80's took Hip hop, electronica and then the rave/clubbing revolution and took the mainstream and the underground away from guitar lead music. I'd say the 80s were far more influential long term. The 70s were more of a last thrash of the rock and roll explosion
  10. With the amount of money in football, the lack of any serious testing, the speed of the games these days and the physique of all top players it's naive to think anything other than the number of players not on the gear is vanishingly small
  11. England with another stellar batting performance
  12. I sincerely hope our guys are on the best available programs, and pushing the grey line as far as possible. Only way we can make the high intensity press work, and in honesty the only way you can hope to compete at the highest levels
  13. Yeah OK. There's nothing natural about having that body at 38. Not knocking him though, still takes a lot of work and dedication. But no way it's natty
  14. Having a (very left wing) friend who lives in Tel Aviv I probably have a different viewpoint to most on this board, and am probably more sympathetic to Dr G position/ point of view. Personally I don't think a two state solution is viable, and I dont think Isreal can co-exist with Hamas. You can't underestimate the psychological effect the Hamas attack has had on the population of Isreal, which was its aim. I don't have any answers It's easy to forget there are 2 million Arabs who already live in Isreal, and it's a mistake I believe of the West to try and assign motives to disparate population groups, most of whom are just trying to make it through another day
  15. People being harsh on Almiron imo. Thought we did ok out wide, centre of the park is where we struggled. Ciggy and Big Joe never really got any control. McCoist just said apart from hitting the woodwork twice Gordon having a couple of chances amd Wilson missing a sitter we didn't have any chances. WTF Got to stay positive. We're playing against the European elite here and we don't look out of place
  16. Some 45 minutes of football that. They look very very sharp but we certainly are in the game Must try and remember to enjoy it.
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