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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Ending a sentence with a preposition. Come on you're better than that
  2. My cats got diabetes, fooook! I thought this was Goldie Looking Chain's new single.
  3. Well in my book Faustino is a legend. Gun toting, porn star dating mad Columbian genius. Thats what its all about for me. The shirt on the corner flag is the most I have ever enjoyed myself at the match. I realise my book is the "Spongebob Almanac of accepting MEDIOCRITY and not demanding SUCCESS" but hey ho, watcha gonna do?
  4. So I guess I am the only one who likes all three of Docherty Moss and Burchill then.
  5. Nope its neither of them. Mrs spongebob thinks it was something like Legend of the dark black, which sort of rings a bell, I just dont know if its the right one. No success on limewire
  6. I must have fried my brain once to often but I cannot remember the name of the track/artist this samples. helpme
  7. Come on lets give credit where its due. Souness has done really well in identifying the players to get rid of and bring in, and working with Fatty and Big Al to get them to St James's. The least he deserves is our full support till the end of the season to try and make it work.
  8. Hush your mouth!!!! There is NOTHING better than black. Mrs hips has some and some lovely matching black lacy bras. Mmmmmmmmmmmm Sorry, too much info. I promise not to say any more. 23478[/snapback] Listen to the voice of experience Black is for amateurs, white is for proper filth merchants
  9. Is he signing for Man U then?
  10. If I could just but in for a second kids. Give him till the end if the season, anything else is madness.
  11. Working on the Owen transfer
  12. I just couldnt resist this topic. Any football news I should know about?
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