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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Sometimes this board makes me feel really old. I saw the Cure at this concert and as I remember they did a deadpan cover of Do you wanna touch me by Gary Glitter as an encore. Twenty five ferkin years ago tomorrow. Jebus Three imaginary boys- class album, shit since of course
  2. Sodomy is a term of religious origin to characterise certain sexual non-procreative acts. Most commonly used to describe the specific act of anal sex both between heterosexuals and homosexuals, the term "sodomy" also may include non-coital sexual acts such as oral sex and other paraphilia. Laws forbidding certain types of sex acts have been found in some pre-modern cultures. source you learn something every day
  3. Mcdonalds employees break world stupidity record video
  4. Shitehawk is a much more satisfying form of declination
  5. He always suggests twister cos he always wins. You've never seen a man with prosthetic limbs gloat so much. What the fuck have you got to smile about stumpy?! 54873[/snapback] 54875[/snapback] Reminds me of this: Why Heather always wins at Twister. 54905[/snapback] I hear Paul is buying Heather a new plane for Christmas
  6. And stop your husband making any more films
  7. Ive just seen Madonnas new video. Eeeeuuuw Put it away woman for gods sake.
  8. Showed the first episode of The Champions last night. Alexandra Bastedo - the first time I realised there was more to girls than being rubbish at football
  9. FWIW and Im sure its no great loss but Howaythelads is the reason I stopped posting on this forum. Trying to discuss anything with him or post a contrary viewpoint always ended with me losing the will to live
  10. Ask google image a question and post the first result Ill start... is alex funny edited after false start
  11. Dont know about terrific, booing Celtic players and singing Rule Brittannia. A bit too sectarian for my tastes
  12. Bizarre. How did you stumble on this? 43967[/snapback] The wonderful email that is Popbitch had a link to it. 43970[/snapback] Did you click on the Michelle X factor link blimey
  13. I am a good old fashioned bleeding heart namby pamby lily livered liberal, but I have never understood how treating people badly is meant to make them behave better. I can understand why people people get swept away with Daily Mail bloodlust, but personally I just dont think it does any good.
  14. I like Pete Docherty. Babyshambles are one of the very few bands Id drag my fat arse out to see these days
  15. OK Ive just read the Mirror and I havent got a clue what anybody is talking about. How about a page number to give Mr Slow on the uptake a chance
  16. Quality piece of journalism that, we've gone from professional, distanced work with multiple corroberating sources to a vitriolic piece with anecdotal evidence from 'My friend Tom'. 43223[/snapback] It's a personal opinion in a column, not a factual article. 43231[/snapback] Self serving anctimonious shite. The hypocrisy of profitting from other peoples misery in the guise of moral outrage. Cheap nasty and unneccesary
  17. We wouldnt have had to change the lightbulb in the first place if Souness hadnt been made mananger
  18. two page Owen interview in the Times today
  19. Bollocks. Love the scenery, Some very nice people, Everyone is equal, True. True. 42312[/snapback] Sorry to go against the flow but I am quite enjoying the whole AF experience.
  20. OK common sense has won, finding a little bag of brass things I didnt know what to do with in the instruction booklet clinched it. Proffesional on his way round. Cleaning behind the cooker was fun. Jesus theres some things in there I never want to see again.
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