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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. His domestic policies were bang on, but foreign policy wise he was a fucking disaster
  2. So he can change policy to financially benefit himself. His desire to stop inheritance tax would net him 30o million for a start. His family made billions from stock related to the North Sea oil licenses It's all about the money
  3. The depressing thing is that even if we they weren't being racist and assumed they were supporting the Palestinians it just underlines how the lack of intelligent honest reporting and debate in this country has lead to an uninformed ignorant populace, where even people who might have genuine good intentions have no idea what they are talking about I don't know how the country recovers to be honest, I guess we are just witnessing the final moments long lingering death of the empire and the relevance of uk as a modern nation Or they might just have been cunts. Horrible situation for you Gloomy though
  4. I'll tell you what, I'm not surprised they stopped that Semenyo being a runner, she looks rough as old boots
  5. Laws Stores or Fine Fare the 60s Low Fell equivalent to BBC/ITV
  6. Lol. Just seen the end of the Liverpool game. They were absolutely robbed. Hahaha
  7. Give it up man. This incarnation is s right bore
  8. And what the fuck did you do to John0023. That guy was great
  9. Bit harsh, isn't he amongst the best goals per minute in the prem this season
  10. Yup, whoever dropped that going to regret it for a long time
  11. Obviously I despise everything about the Australian cricket team, but Glen Maxwell is giving the greatest batting performance ever seen atm
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