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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. A possibility, but by no means a certainty. It was time for Robson to go, should have gone earlier, probably over a year earlier. Souness was a monumental cock-up, that does not mean Robson should have stayed. He's a better option than Souness, so is O'Leary, so is Spongebob. Personally, I think Robson was taking us back to mid-table. 87787[/snapback] No need for that pal, Ive never been so insulted. Consider yourself on the list. You better get used to looking over your shoulder.
  2. ITV now. Looks like it could be good
  3. 1 0500 get up make very large espresso 2 0510 - 0700 play online poker 3 0700 wake wife and kids 4 0705 15 mins on eliptical trainer (damn new year resolution) 5 0725 shout at kids to wake up 6 0730 shower 7 0745 lose temper with still sleeping kids 8 0750 have yogurt and rolled oats for breakfast (damn new year diet) 9 0815 leave for work
  4. Renton acheives correctness nirvana
  5. .......heres another one now, like! Who did you post as formerly? 83864[/snapback] Me = Gibbon to be fair I didnt / dont post often, more of a voyeur 83867[/snapback] I think luckypierre is a much better poster than Gibbon tbh. Must be the company you keep. 83873[/snapback] Im just a bit more polite on here so I can get into a clique 83878[/snapback] Join the queue. I must have been on here for months and I've barely got my foot in the clique door. 83881[/snapback] Me Wez and the Avenger are forming our own clique
  6. Renton finally achieves misery nirvana 83793[/snapback] Clever, implying I'm happy because the team I support has been reduced to total shit. Are you happy with the situation then Wez? 83801[/snapback] Does that make SBTP Hove Avenger? 83850[/snapback] shhh dont go bandying my secret identity to all and sundry or how can the inhabitants of the gay riviera expect to sleep in peace.
  7. Renton finally achieves misery nirvana
  8. Because you're the protector of all things furry? 82301[/snapback] Apart from cows, pigs and sheep. 82370[/snapback] Word of advice, don't eat the furry pigs. 82373[/snapback] 82430[/snapback] What about hairy pie?
  9. I believe that should be pronounced "soooopoyb!" 82384[/snapback] I'm worried that I read it as being pronounced like that straight away, without even getting to your post.... 82395[/snapback] Are you saying my post was obselete and quite simply a waste of everyones time? Are you Lou. Are you? 82397[/snapback] Worry ye not manc- my pronunciation was indeed incorrect and I appreciate your intervention which will have prevented any future embarresment I would have endured
  10. Surely the corrogated shape of the aparatus would lead to sandwich structural integrity problems?
  11. Just bought me a George Foreman. Steak for lunch in the office. Superb.
  12. So basically Hell actually will freeze over before we win another trophy
  13. Aye he's just apeing around, up to a bit of monkey business and all that. But he's tred on a bit of a banana skin now the coppers are involved! 82319[/snapback] "Can I have some bananas for my coat" when they were doing the shopping list is still my favourite line so far
  14. I think global warming is a bit of a red herring, climate change is happening, but it always has and gives the big corporations an easy taarget to argue against. We should be tackling polution for polutions sake, its what we breathe for christs sake. If we sort out the air we wont have to worry about whether we are causing climate change or not.
  15. Its not Gorilla anyway, he was just winding them uo
  16. I like Pete, that simpering would have sent anybody over the edge
  17. Keep watching, the shits going to hit the fan in about 15 minutes
  18. Im so cool that I have "Kylie Korner" A little shrine where I proudly display my collection of Kylie memorobillia.
  19. Thats me out then, Is it possible to find something to listen to less interesting than coldplay btw
  20. Yep, I am hooked on this one and loving every minute. I enjoy it as a pantomime as much as the next man, but I do also genuinely find the whole big brother phenomenum fascinating 80512[/snapback] Let's hope something good comes out of it and Barrymore 'buggered' his career for good. 80517[/snapback] I must admit I have reservations about watching Barrymore, he really does seem to be a bit close to the edge. 80524[/snapback] He's a jibbering old queen who with a bit of luck will top himself when this is all over 80543[/snapback] have you ever considered a career as a counsellor
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