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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. So you are saying you can outlast leazes in an argument. Thats either really impressive or the saddest boast ever
  2. Where has the great man gone. He is still posting on his private board but havent seen him on here in ages. Did he get banned, get the huff or just disappear up his own arsehole in a flurry of circular logic. I hate to say it but the place just isnt the same without his infuriating stubborness
  3. Rooney would get a game, Ashley Cole might too. 156948[/snapback] True enough, my attempt at devils advocate seems to have failed. I thought my post might have generated a bit more discord. The thought of Rooney with a bit of Italian guile is frightening. Did I hear Alan Shearer last night claiming that apart from Henry nobody from the other teams would get into Englands team. And to think I was all for him being joint manager.
  4. Why would anyone consider bringing him back
  5. I believe Simeone Perrotta has started all of their games. 156878[/snapback] You must mean Simone Perrotta. If you are going to be a smart arse you should at least spell his name correctly
  6. Italy's performance showed our bunch of overhyped players for what they really are. I reckon Gerard and Beckham might have made the bench, I dont think a single Englishman would make the starting eleven. The Italians showed higher skill levels, tactical awareness, especially ball retention and infinitely more bottle
  7. If you are taking your practice penalties against Paul Robinson, you are in for a shock when you face a keeper with a clue.
  8. You rang my bell? 156726[/snapback] Hey everybody, RobW rang Meenzers bell. fnargh fnargh
  9. Cannot believe anybody could be bothered to mention this
  10. Fantastic game, I really enjoyed it. I thought I was going to want the Germans to win, but found myself right behind the eyeties. They sure know how to win agame of football
  11. it does mean your alcohol tolerance is shot to hell though..... 156433[/snapback] I dont know about that, sadly.
  12. Sounds good to me. 156293[/snapback] Meat goood..chocolate gooood......Whats not to like? 156326[/snapback] Friends... right? 156353[/snapback] guilty
  13. Sounds good to me. 156293[/snapback] Meat goood..chocolate gooood......Whats not to like?
  14. I saw the Who live in 1980 at the Lewisham Odeon. Very possibly the most boring concert I ever went to. If it hadnt been for the ongoing near riot between the aging rockers and the new breed of mods inspired by the Jam and Quadrophenia I would have probably managed to sleep through the whole thing. Self satisfied pompous cock rock at its worst
  15. I agree that we have some good players btw. Its a shame that none of them stepped up and acheived greatness.
  16. And still, inspite of the compelling evidence to the contrary, you still going beleiving the hype about how good our players are. 155765[/snapback] We have got some good players though, especially Gerrard and Rooney as well as the likes of Ashley Cole, Terry and Joe Cole. Sven should have utilised them better. I'm not one of these people who thinks England are fantastic and should win the WC or Euros but, when you look at the teams in the last four, it's frustrating because the teams left in are beatable. Germany aren't technically in the same class as the Argentinians but they could win it and they've played much more attractive football than England have. 155766[/snapback] Germany have the technical part of taking a penalty fairly well sorted. (including Owen Hargreaves)
  17. And still, inspite of the compelling evidence to the contrary, you still going beleiving the hype about how good our players are.
  18. The golden generation are just as overhyped as any previous bunch of England players. We will always be caught out at international level until we progress technically and stop believing the guff about how good we are, and acheive the same level of basic technical skill as the true good international teams. Apart from 1966 we have got to a grand total of one semi-final. We just arent as good as we think we are
  19. I reckon you are right, I think he will run into form tomorrow. He has been poor but I just hve a feeling tomorrow will be his day 154880[/snapback] Well I got that one well and fucking truly bang on didnt I 155691[/snapback] Same as when you backed Sven for taking Walcott and only one other fully fit striker 155697[/snapback] I cant think of any point when a.n.other striker would have made it onto the pitch, so that point is fairly moot
  20. I reckon you are right, I think he will run into form tomorrow. He has been poor but I just hve a feeling tomorrow will be his day 154880[/snapback] Well I got that one well and fucking truly bang on didnt I
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