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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. You can lead a shepherd to Greggs but you cant stop him eating
  2. Unless I am missing something really obvious, surely this problem could be solved immediatly and completely by letting the pyhsio come on while the match continues. It happens in both codes of Rugby without any problem and would mean there was no point in feigning injury. I actually get much more annoyed by the game stopping for treatment which is plainly not needed than by diving
  3. Semi-boast U2 related posting. At university I had a year being responsible for booking bands to appear. I booked U2 as part of what was their first tour of England I cant really remember much about it, but we did all go the pub beforehand and they seemed a decnt bunch of lads then. Mind you we were all about twenty years old so Bono hadnt really developed his ridiculous persona at that stage
  4. Dont mean to sound pedantic, but apart from signifying that theyre from Newcastle, the 'NEU2' tag doesnt actually have any word play significance does it? Which is usually the convention amongst tribute bands. Unless I'm missing something. 179598[/snapback] Best tribute band name I've seen is Bon Geordie. 179602[/snapback] Not as good as By Jovi
  5. If anything 4-0 at half time pisses me off about the world cup even more. Who scored/
  6. It was a glorified wine witer wearing a sort of faux old fashioned military uniform. Long red coat, shiny buttons, black trousers and of course a sword.
  7. Bearing in mind that this was 18 years ago...... On my honeymoon skiing in Austria over Christmas I thought would be nice to have a good bottle of champagne sent up to the room on Christmas Eve. I didnt check the price because thats how I roll. I had a moment of concern when the bottle arrived and had the cork ceremoniously removed with a sword!!. The gesture was apprciated by the blushing bride, one thing lead to another and the bottle wasnt even finished. three hundred and twenty pounds
  8. Without any doubt Elvis was the single most important cultural figure of the 20th century. Not a bad looking bloke either
  9. source A bit of a bugger for me as its the one I have had most success with. Any reccomnedations if it gets banned
  10. Wedding Photo, I Pod, As much of my Kylie Minogue shrine as allowed
  11. Ive cried during Terms of Endearment. Maybe Meenzer can confirm whether that officially makes me gay
  12. I have to avoid watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition like the plague
  13. Another sufferer of Inappropriate male crying syndrome. Its fucking ridiculous some of the things that set you off as you get older
  14. Simple, any time someone wasn't too thrilled with the idea of having a limb cut off, they can take it through the English courts, who would obviously find the decision to be barbaric, and a gross violation of human rights and rightfully rule against the Sharia law. 178468[/snapback] Having a limb cut off! They'd be up in arms *groans* No, the two systems would be completely incompatible. The point is you cant have two separate systems running side by side. Theres a court hierachy in English law whereby higher courts can quash the decisions of subordinate courts, but importantly theyre all applying the same jurisprudence. In any event, and this is the truth, sharia law would be a non starter in the UK for other reasons. As yu've hinted at, we're signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights (enacted in domestic law by the Human Rigts Act 1998). The difference in treatment of males/females within most Islamic systems would automatically be ruled offside. I needn't comment on the chopping hands off, stoning etc etc. 178472[/snapback] Doesnt that mean that the English system runs alongside the European system? So if you dont like our decision you appeal to Europe. If you dont like Sharia you appeal to English law. 178492[/snapback] European law is supreme. so if a decision of an English court was inconsistent with European law, then you'd appeal to a European court (ultimately, although it should be enforced by any domestic appeal court before then, the European court is the last port of call after exhausting all domestic remedies.) As for Sharia law, well it's not the law of the country anyway so I dont know who you think might be applying it in the first place? Certainly not another court! If someone (say an employer etc) was doing something/taking decisions etc based on their interpretation of what was right under sharia law, then yes, you could bring action in an English court-say discrimination in an employment law context, just to use an example. When you say appeal, it suggests that an inferior court has already applied sharia law, and youre appealing to a higher court. That wouldn't happen. 178507[/snapback] I was just being daft tbh 178508[/snapback] Fair play then, spose i waste peoples time for the most part so i can hardly complain. 178512[/snapback] Dont do yourself down. I still found your answer interesting and informative
  15. Simple, any time someone wasn't too thrilled with the idea of having a limb cut off, they can take it through the English courts, who would obviously find the decision to be barbaric, and a gross violation of human rights and rightfully rule against the Sharia law. 178468[/snapback] Having a limb cut off! They'd be up in arms *groans* No, the two systems would be completely incompatible. The point is you cant have two separate systems running side by side. Theres a court hierachy in English law whereby higher courts can quash the decisions of subordinate courts, but importantly theyre all applying the same jurisprudence. In any event, and this is the truth, sharia law would be a non starter in the UK for other reasons. As yu've hinted at, we're signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights (enacted in domestic law by the Human Rigts Act 1998). The difference in treatment of males/females within most Islamic systems would automatically be ruled offside. I needn't comment on the chopping hands off, stoning etc etc. 178472[/snapback] Doesnt that mean that the English system runs alongside the European system? So if you dont like our decision you appeal to Europe. If you dont like Sharia you appeal to English law. 178492[/snapback] European law is supreme. so if a decision of an English court was inconsistent with European law, then you'd appeal to a European court (ultimately, although it should be enforced by any domestic appeal court before then, the European court is the last port of call after exhausting all domestic remedies.) As for Sharia law, well it's not the law of the country anyway so I dont know who you think might be applying it in the first place? Certainly not another court! If someone (say an employer etc) was doing something/taking decisions etc based on their interpretation of what was right under sharia law, then yes, you could bring action in an English court-say discrimination in an employment law context, just to use an example. When you say appeal, it suggests that an inferior court has already applied sharia law, and youre appealing to a higher court. That wouldn't happen. 178507[/snapback] I was just being daft tbh
  16. Well they could and I've no doubt some do from time to time. Wouldnt fly though. The law of England and Wales has every conceivable built in human rights safeguard these days and for the most part it takes into account customs and beliefs. It's a balancing act of course, but if someone was trying to argue they were being deprived of (a very crass example indeed but lets say the right to force someone into marriage) then that would be outweighed by the other persons freedoms. On the other hand, say the right to practice as a Muslim and to associate with fellow muslims-well thats protected by freedom of expression, association and family life etc etc etc ad infinitum and it aint hurting anyone elses rights. 178500[/snapback] God Bless The United Kingdom of Great Britain. We Rock
  17. You can get the Snoop/Eddie one from here and you're right its good one! http://www.djprince.no/2006/download.asp 178454[/snapback] Bookmarked. Still haven't found a link for the Nelly / Grange Hill one. 178485[/snapback] another one worth bookmarking
  18. Simple, any time someone wasn't too thrilled with the idea of having a limb cut off, they can take it through the English courts, who would obviously find the decision to be barbaric, and a gross violation of human rights and rightfully rule against the Sharia law. 178468[/snapback] Having a limb cut off! They'd be up in arms *groans* No, the two systems would be completely incompatible. The point is you cant have two separate systems running side by side. Theres a court hierachy in English law whereby higher courts can quash the decisions of subordinate courts, but importantly theyre all applying the same jurisprudence. In any event, and this is the truth, sharia law would be a non starter in the UK for other reasons. As yu've hinted at, we're signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights (enacted in domestic law by the Human Rigts Act 1998). The difference in treatment of males/females within most Islamic systems would automatically be ruled offside. I needn't comment on the chopping hands off, stoning etc etc. 178472[/snapback] Doesnt that mean that the English system runs alongside the European system? So if you dont like our decision you appeal to Europe. If you dont like Sharia you appeal to English law.
  19. You can get the Snoop/Eddie one from here and you're right its good one! http://www.djprince.no/2006/download.asp 178454[/snapback] Thank you. Magnificent link
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