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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. I thought his apology was hilarious in a patronising now calm down and take it easy manner.
  2. The Pope has got exactly what he wanted. He knew that there would be some hot headed outrage, he knew what the media coverage would be like, he knew that people would end up slagging of the muslims. I am not saying that these effigy burning idiots are right, but lets not be naive about this, benny the jew gasser knew exactly what he was doing
  3. I like Leazes new "hand your season ticket if you disagree with him" line Ive seen it three times today
  4. I use my keyboard to type values, saves complication. I don't think many would argue with your move. Have you read much on the subject? I think the general thinking would be if you made that play 10 times you'd be well up. Obviously the read of your opponent is important. Reads at .25/.50 are pretty unimportant, you can pretty much just play ABC and win. The importatnt thing is definately that if you played he same cards the same way every time you would be winning. Every now and again a donk will have a hand that beats you, it cant be helped. I stay away from the slider as well
  5. God, she must really love you. The J man would have had these.... Begging to be burglarised tbh. Personalised with a "J69 is a straight edge soldier" engraving
  6. Dont worry about it, you played it fine. I would have probablyraised more on the turn but youve got to broke on this hand
  7. Sing it with me now "He's only a poor little hammer"
  8. What were the cockney vermin chanting about Roeder? Couldn't make it out on the radio but they said it was something in very poor taste. Rise above it mate Still....Liverpool got beat too!! WOOT! aye. Roeder 2 summer signings that nobody thinks we are better off with score, and a clean sheet by the shit defence. Good performance. Well done Fred......
  9. Toontastic twoplustwo youtube MyFreePaySite smb (purely for the medina trainwreck)
  10. Unless the pub you were in sold Scampi Fries....... Cooked in fanny batter no doubt
  11. I choose to base my reaction on my established dislike of the Pope, and condemn this statement as not only stupid but also unhelpful and dangerous. In fact the last thing we need. Before people go all Leazes on me I hate all organised religion equally, they are all the problem I might be biased, and in fact I am, but I actually do find islam a particularly reprehensible faith and dislike the socieities it has created immensely. The worst aspect of it is the fact that you cannot crticise it without having a fatwa put on you, but I find it wrong on so many levels. It basically belongs in the dark ages, if there even. Other faiths have their problems but none have led to so many problems as islam imo. All as bad as each other. All as wrong as each other All evil Well when I look at the treatment of women, Shariah law, the fact that any kind of debate on religion is stifled in virtually all islamic countries, the fact that they believe in a global brotherhood, fatwas, jihads, terrorism, non-integration into western soceities and a sizable proportion wanting to destroy them, hysteria about cartoons, removing Israel from the face of the earth, obsession with the afterlife, and finally the fact it is a completely joyless religion where all the fun things are banned (e.g. drinking, gambling, and bacon), I would say Islam is by far the worst religion on the planet. In fact, it reminds me more of a global cult. I realise that many of these thing also apply to christianity and other religions, but not to the same extent imo. To say that all religions are equal to me is as preposterous as saying all philosophies, societies, or even governments are equal. Would you give the Koresh cult the same status as the C of E? The main difference between the Koresh cult and the C of E is the CofE has been round longer. As for the rest of it - nice generalisation. I agree with you about the bacon mind. Glad you can spot the difference. My bit about the oppression of women and Shariah law is not really a generalisation though, is it? Neither is their fundamental belief that freedom of speech should be curtailed, even in non-islamic countries (this applies to other religions but none so strongly). Agree or disagree? No need for the "Agree or Disagree" nonsense man. Dont go all Leazes I am against all forms of opression and I plainly wouldnt want to live under Shariah law, in fact there are undoubtably an abundance of places where life is appalling. However my beleif is that organised religion, no matter what the type, is based on superstition and lies, is and has been throuought history used to the benefit of the few at the expence of the many. It is a vehicle of ignorance that controls the behaviour and thoughts of the masses. Christianity hasnt changed out of an inherant goodness, it is just the increasing knowledge of those who would have been blind followers means it has had to adapt to try and prevent becoming more marginalised. The enlightenment doesnt come from within. To say Islam is worse is to miss the point. It is ignorance and poverty and corruption that is the problem. Fuck knows what the solution is, but it is not proving that Islam is worse than Christianity
  12. I choose to base my reaction on my established dislike of the Pope, and condemn this statement as not only stupid but also unhelpful and dangerous. In fact the last thing we need. Before people go all Leazes on me I hate all organised religion equally, they are all the problem I might be biased, and in fact I am, but I actually do find islam a particularly reprehensible faith and dislike the socieities it has created immensely. The worst aspect of it is the fact that you cannot crticise it without having a fatwa put on you, but I find it wrong on so many levels. It basically belongs in the dark ages, if there even. Other faiths have their problems but none have led to so many problems as islam imo. All as bad as each other. All as wrong as each other All evil Well when I look at the treatment of women, Shariah law, the fact that any kind of debate on religion is stifled in virtually all islamic countries, the fact that they believe in a global brotherhood, fatwas, jihads, terrorism, non-integration into western soceities and a sizable proportion wanting to destroy them, hysteria about cartoons, removing Israel from the face of the earth, obsession with the afterlife, and finally the fact it is a completely joyless religion where all the fun things are banned (e.g. drinking, gambling, and bacon), I would say Islam is by far the worst religion on the planet. In fact, it reminds me more of a global cult. I realise that many of these thing also apply to christianity and other religions, but not to the same extent imo. To say that all religions are equal to me is as preposterous as saying all philosophies, societies, or even governments are equal. Would you give the Koresh cult the same status as the C of E? The main difference between the Koresh cult and the C of E is the CofE has been round longer. As for the rest of it - nice generalisation. I agree with you about the bacon mind.
  13. Or to use the technical poker term "luckboxes"
  14. Yep and when they nuke Iran, Jesus will save them I am much more worried by the danger to the world of the American fundamentalist right than Islamic nutters
  15. But dont you understand, America has God on their side. The proper one. The one with Jesus and that
  16. I choose to base my reaction on my established dislike of the Pope, and condemn this statement as not only stupid but also unhelpful and dangerous. In fact the last thing we need. Before people go all Leazes on me I hate all organised religion equally, they are all the problem I might be biased, and in fact I am, but I actually do find islam a particularly reprehensible faith and dislike the socieities it has created immensely. The worst aspect of it is the fact that you cannot crticise it without having a fatwa put on you, but I find it wrong on so many levels. It basically belongs in the dark ages, if there even. Other faiths have their problems but none have led to so many problems as islam imo. All as bad as each other. All as wrong as each other All evil
  17. It is as far from easy money as you can get. It is a great way to get some extra income but I would hate to do it as a job
  18. I choose to base my reaction on my established dislike of the Pope, and condemn this statement as not only stupid but also unhelpful and dangerous. In fact the last thing we need. Before people go all Leazes on me I hate all organised religion equally, they are all the problem
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