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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Hapless, shirley shorley, surely?
  2. You were supposed to question me on this so I could enlighten you and win the argument in the process, Renton, you twat! What is its origin? The correct Geordie spelling is still howay btw *clears throat* Well...... did you know... ......it's a mining reference. They used to send things up and down the shaft and the cry would be Ha'way - as in half way. Which makes haway officially the correct universal spelling. hadaway and shite
  3. You need to up your game hips, new snake on the block
  4. See what I mean See what I mean what? I was never in the obsessed-with-Bellamy camp, but McDermott didn't half talk a load of bullshit when he was brought back by his mate Souness. Sorry, I was just teasing.
  5. Really? What does he do for the club? The man's a parasite. I still identify him with the Keegan glory years. Cant find it me to dislike him An honest answer and one which I understand. We need to move on though. More important for people to move on with regards to Bellamy than Mcdermott
  6. Really? What does he do for the club? The man's a parasite. I still identify him with the Keegan glory years. Cant find it me to dislike him
  7. I quite like Terry Mac. I hope he laced the welsh gobshite
  8. Oba I think your point about death is interesting. I agree there will always be a tendancy for people to seek God to deal with death. I think the history of the world would lead us to the conclusion that, whether we think it is a good idea or not, imposing one religion would be doomed to failure
  9. As predictable as it was boring as it was predictable.
  10. I dont want to be obnoxious, sorry if I came across that way, my intention was good natured. I enjoy your posts but I didnt really think you were expressing yourself very clearly. I think it is in human nature to search for answers, and higher power or powers is an answer that allows the human mind to resolve questions that seemed or seem unexplainable. The human brain is constantly ordering and rationalising information, we make sense of the world by cognitive mapping. God is part of that process I read an interseting article a few months ago about this , I will try to find it.
  11. Have you been drinking? A bit harsh coming from the person who came up with this which seems to say its either deep rooted or genetic, but is deep rooted which proves its genetic
  12. Ok Ive reread this and your argument seems to be we need religion because religion exists so that proves we need religion because people need to believe in stuff. Then you choose catholicism even though you dont like it because it "might be big enough to win the battle" but what battle I have no idea. My belief is people need education not fairy stories, and I certainly dont think people need vengeful God threats to develope a moral compass. Maybe I just have more faith in humanity than you
  13. 2.4 children with utter anarchy is also not useful to humanity. and the relevance of that comment is?
  14. It actually started due to Alex and PokerPants questioning my assertion that religion was still necessary and that Catholicism may be the best of a bad bunch, in response to you saying organised religion had outlived its usefulness and was redundant. I would say the ban on contraception pretty much disqualifies catholicism from consideration as a useful tool for humanity from the get go
  15. Its smacked mine on the hands if they were going to do something dangerous when they were too young to understand verbal warnings. It is inexcusable to smack them out of temper, that is just losing control and setting a terrible example. Smacking as a punishment is an abdication of resbonsibility, there are plenty ways of punishing a child. I smacked my boy for something(I cant remember what) when he was a toddler. I immediately felt terrible about it, realised it was a mistake and never did it again. Hitting children is wrong
  16. I see your point, but I dont know if it really makes much sense. People need education not superstition
  17. Bollocks tbh. Probably tbh. I often wonder what that stringy meat is. Ha ha I like Chinese food but the main thing I was referring too was the ridiculous cold pizza comment. Do you go into an Italian restaurant and order cold pizza, or do you wait an hour before eating it? Do you tip the delivery driver if the pizza comes late and cold? How's it ridiculous? You prefer it hot, some people prefer it cold. I'm sure Jamie Oliver said he does. You might think he's a bellend but I would imagine he knows a thing or too about food. It's ridiculous because that's not the way it's supposed to be eaten, and for the reasons I've mentioned. I'm not saying it's not OK to eat it cold the morning after, but clearly this is second best. What a ridiculous thing to say. Roast beef hot, beef sandwich cold. Are you saying everybody has to prefer Roast beef?
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