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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. They were pretty much all doing the same thing. Apart from mudering their daughter before going out of course
  2. Craig plainly has the hots for the Mother, you can smell the sexual tension in his every post
  3. It costs 66 quid for an Englishman to renew a passport and thats the reason for there being illegal immigrants. I am struggling with your logic there, any chance of an explanation?
  4. Consigned to the myths section along with stories of Zeus, Ra, Thor and the rest. Completely disagree - people have reasons to believe in God and to believe the Bible isn't just fairy tales. Not sure about "Zeus, Ra, Thor and the rest" though. Can you explain the differnce between your God and Thor or Zeus or the Hindu Gods? Why do you dismiss them as man-made myths yet insist yours is real? Is there more evidence? Are their holy books more dismissable? If so why? Genuine questions - I think its one of the main ones that believers don't ask of themselves. Perhaps TheInspiration feels it OK to criticise, even mock, other people's beliefs but not his own? Like I said, I don't see a great deal of difference between the goat sacrificers and christians, from an objective point of view they strike me as equally absurd. Of course it was ironic that South Park showed religious hypocrisy up for what it is not only in its excellent scripts, but also by the behaviour of Isaac Hayes. I reckon TI might be doing the same thing. Don't think I've criticised/mocked anyone's beliefs here - certainly you shouldn't be telling anyone off for that. What I said about goat sacrificers was that it's a shame that religion always has to be as equally absurd as each other - as if they are all wrong. I don't know if there's any truth in Hinduism but I respect the belief (and find the religion interesting also), however I and many others agree that there is truth in Christianity. Tbf TI, I think you do have some respect for other people's beliefs but at the end of the day, you still think you are right, and they are wrong, based purely on the place you were born (I do not believe you would be a christian if you were born and raised by a muslim family in Iran, whatever 'personal' relationship you claim to have with Jesus). You will/can never accept this point, but there are still millions of muslim versions of you out there saying pretty much the same thing, but reversed, and you can't explain that one away. Still, I respect that you do at least engage in these dialogues which a lot of religious people don't, for whatever reason. Although I also think you have Dawkins wrong. At the end of the day, you just don't like your beliefs being challenged, and he's one of the few people in public willing to do that, so you ridicule and villify him, without basis, imo. Doesn't his (my) 'belief' also deserve respect? Apologies if I am wrong, I've never heard any people talking about a personal relationship with Allah, whereas it is a frequent occurence in Christianity. Muslims aren't supposed to experience their god - there is no hinting he is a god of love for starters. And yes your belief does deserve respect. I've never ridiculed or villified atheistic beliefs. I'm more concerned with many atheists as people - attack the behaviour of Christians when they're very immoral people themselves. I respect Dawkins brilliant writing/communication skills, but as a person I don't have that much respect for him. Isnt it the same god as christians and jews anyway. I have always found it amusing that a Jew or a Muslim could spend a lifetime worshipping the same god as a christian, live a perfectly moral and "sin" free life and be condemned to eternal damnation by not being friends with jesus
  5. I dont care whether they did or not, they should be found guilty for boring me senseless all summer Mind you if they did do it full marks for brass neck. So I think my position is if they are guilty let them of the the most brazen display in tabloid history, if they are innocent let em rot
  6. this has been driving me mad all day a a a acieeeed when did I lose the ability tp post links ffs
  7. When I saw the headline I assumed it was horror at the thought of him being allowed to breed. Hope the kids ok though
  8. That never gets old, I cant even think about it without laughing
  9. http://www.airshowbuzz.com/videos/view.php?v=9f061057 plainly more off my head than I realised
  10. gets bumpy in there video I found this quite hypnotic, mind I am off my head
  11. Psychokiller -- talking heads whats my name - clash youve got my number - undertones anarchy - pistols
  12. Competition for places is important. Lot of supposition in this thread. Given is good but he certainly isn't world class IMO. Cech and Buffon are world class unreservedly. I would say given is in the top five of best keepers worldwide. I personally think hes kept us up the last two seasons, obviously not alone but he is world class. If Givens distribution and ability to organise a defence were as good as his shotstopping he would be world class, as it is he just a very good keeper.
  13. I think that's bollocks and everyone's being paranoid tbh. She may be biased against Newcastle but it doesn't come across in that piece. It's not a complete non-story either, it dispells the myth of Ashley being a recluse which I think is quite positive. I think her language is pushing as much toward the negative (regularly drunk, football shirted, free spending [lager lout?] chairman in bikini bar) as she can get away with without being blatantly called biased, especially to a 3rd party reader. And it is a non-story for a national newspaper, not perhaps for a local one (which I agree on the positive for the fans, not only in his willingness to be at Newcastle, but that he seems to be enjoying owning the club too). Where does it say he was drunk, let alone regularly drunk? He was wearing a football shirt was he not? Is free spending a bad thing when you're a billionaire? More importantly, it's true isn't it? Was he not in a bikini bar? At the end of the day he's a high profile buissnessman and owner of one of the biggest clubs in the EPL. If he's going to go out on the piss, especially in places like Blu Bamboo and Buffalo Joes, it's going to raise eyebrows. But I could see nowt wrong with that report personally, it was factually correct and if you don't like it I suggest it's you that has the problem with Ashley and Mort's actions. I suggest you get Alex to explain subtext to you. I understand subtext, I just believe if it hadn't been Taylor who penned that piece you wouldn't be criticising it. If it hadnt been Taylor who penned that piece it wouldnt have been written is more the point
  14. Despite improvements there are enough England fans who travel to tournaments who are ignorant violent xenophobic meatheads to remind me why I lost interest in England
  15. Just had a phone call from my son that the Police have turned out in force because one of our saphic next door neighbours has gone on the missing list. Current situation is they are all CSI in our back garden and have the crowbars out to break in next door. Oooh the drama. On a lighter note when the Police knocked on the door the boy thought he was going to get done for excessive downloading and made a beeline to try and wipe his hard disc.
  16. I would have preferred his brother "Alka"
  17. I feel sorry for the bloke, but I am more than happy that we got money for him before the inevitable happened
  18. So its only my house that calls it the "giddy-up" then
  19. That was an odd experience, I realised I hate Spurs more than Sunderland.
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