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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Yes that a big change from his previous unlikable dishonest persona.
  2. This is by far the most important reason that this shouldnt happen. The margins between relegation. qualification for Europe etc means the extra three points available would completetly destroy the integrity of the competition. all the rest of the arguments are just blah, the game sold its soul a long time ago. It goes off the season before I think so the team that was 2nd the year before could play 6th, while 1st play 16th or something. Seems grossly unfair apart from all the other reasons. I also think it's a bit sad how these games would be packed to the rafters but no one in places like Japan, China, Thailand etc. supports their local sides. I am not even that arsed about theoretically playing abroad. These days I am primarily an armchair fan anyway, so ant TV game is a plus for me. I just cant get passed the inherent unfairness of a random extra game
  3. This is by far the most important reason that this shouldnt happen. The margins between relegation. qualification for Europe etc means the extra three points available would completetly destroy the integrity of the competition. all the rest of the arguments are just blah, the game sold its soul a long time ago.
  4. google image boiled egg and soldiers
  5. You need to ask on Newcastle Online using codewords golf courses
  6. I ran outta gas! I had a flat tire! I didn't have enough money for cab fare! My tux didn't come back from the cleaners! An old friend came in from outta town! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts!! It wasn't my fault I swear to God!!!
  7. She can eat my soldier anytime Bob Probably as limp as your soldier
  8. I think even at this stage the decision is obvious. On the one hand Rico and mrs spongebob -on the other sanity
  9. Yes, I think the chances of this plan being succesful must be around the 100% mark
  10. I would be all for it, if only for how even more bitter the press would become. it would certainly raise our profile abroad and might make us a more likely destination for transfer targets
  11. KK and the fans view - Theres a lot of work to be done, hopefully we can have a go in the cups and try to improve The rest of the world - Newcastle expect to win every match six nil overnight, they are deluded.
  12. He is literally an Old Buffer
  13. Alex, something gives me the impression that maybe you dont quite view Shearer as the unassuming Geordie folk hero of legend. On a strictly football basis, do you think he has the potential do be a succesful manager in the future
  14. You've left Ashley out of the equation. It is one thing when we scheme and dream in the pub over a few pints, it is a whole other thing when a billionaire gets involved in the dream game. If the money is forthcoming I can see little stopping us playing good football and enagaging the top 4. I don't even think it will take that long. Keegan will only have come back if he was going to be bankrolled, there would be no point otherwise. Hold on to your hats its going to be a wild ride
  15. Speaking as one of the old guard - anything is possible now , just enjoy it
  16. Tears of joy young man, tears of joy
  17. Gettin. One thing is for sure,KK is all or nothing and wouldnt be coming back without the promise of enough money to make it work. Let the excitement commence
  18. yes Is it their proven track record of managing big clubs and winning things that puts you off? No its the fact that they have their best years behind them, have never managed in England, have no reason to take the job other than money and in the case of van gaal is a cunt.
  19. I got as far as there and stopped reading. fyi Hughes initially rejected out of hand, now would be very happy Keegan trepidatious but i would love to see it happen Shearer & Keegan the outcome that excites me like a five year old, hilarious magnificent and stupid at the same time Shearer not as risky as people make out, he has enough sense to get the right people in, i would be happy Hitzfeld likely disaster Mourinho ldo Abel Braga lol I am surprised that I seem to not like any foreign coaches (apart from Mourinho) and even moresurprised how keen I am on Hughes
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