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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. The bottom line is we no longer have an owner who has desire to be a "big club" Freddie for all his faults was at least ambitious, and when he talked the talk, though at times it could be excruciating, at leaast he saw us as one of the big boys. No matter what happens over the next few weeks our era of trying to challenge at the top level are over, the days of attracting true top players are over, and the days of being a couple of decent signings from being a great team are over. The best we can hope for is to stabilise as a mediocre mid table side, who have the odd good run in the cup and sometimes threatens UEFA place. If that happens Ashley will be laughing, as he trousers a steady stream of cash from selling on players and tv/internet money. I almost hope we go down. At least that would cause the cunt some financial pain
  2. Well spoken Kenneth - nothing warms my heart quite so much as extreme Liverpool hatred
  3. But would things have went that way if he was here? Fucking hell man are you suggesting it all turned to shit in the couple of weeks between Mort leaving and KK quitting? Mort seemed to understand how the roles of Keegan Wise Jiminez et al should operate, and be able to manage the relationships succsesfully. LLambias otoh seems to be Wises mate and completely undermoned Keegans position Doesnt seem a laughable opinion to me
  4. Panic over, she fitted me with a new pair of glasses in Specsavers in Hove this afternoon. She didnt recognize me, needs a new pair herself obviously. I said "quite the dramatic departure" She looked really confused - did a superb comedy double take - then gibbered on a bit while blushing furiously. Nee discount though
  5. Assistant Manager Graham Fenton - they can go fuck themselves as far as Im concerned
  6. Whilst obviously far from perfect Labour have done an immeasurably better job of managing the country than the Tories managed
  7. I dont think Ashley will have any intention of speaking to a supporters group, however by NUSC should definitely try and set up some sort of dialogue with the club. If they have a sizeable membership, act in a reasonable way and show they are only interested in the best interests of the club a couple of things can happen. If the club meets them they can pass on what they are told about how the club is to be taken forward, and we can all hold the club to account for what they say. If the club refuses to meet them it strengthens the position of NUSC as a pressure group/focus for supporters. The biggest problems with the way the club is being run are the complete lack of direction, and the lack of communication from the club. NUSC should be completely dedicated to responsibly trying to communicate with the club, and passing that information to the fans. I shouldnt try and make demands, because that is a pointless exercise.
  8. wait until you try and cancel your subscription - theiving bastards
  9. its a beautiful world better still ban the fucker
  10. IP Ban the boring obsessed cockney shitehound. He brings no insight, no humour, no opinions worth a wank. He spams the board with his worthless Wum bollocks and makes it a worse place. He hasnt written a post worth reading in months, and he constantly ruins threads with the same old bollocks. I say get rid of the useless cunt
  11. I suppose even I have to want Liverpool to win tonight. I hate Mike Ashley
  12. As long as the team is getting positive results then i'm not too fussed These positive results you speak of have us in the relegation zone
  13. drunkenn no mans land/.......... my plan is pay for the pay forview and go to sleep update to folllow
  14. ok I cant see link for some reason http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzCqY8Wg5So...feature=related Villeneuve vs Arnoux - astonishing
  15. OMG I had forgotten the old Atlantis theories- I used to love all of that stuff. I used to love arguing that it was true with people to wind them up (foptastic) and ended up believing it myself. my personal favourite theory being the Antarctica once having been Atlantis and for Hapgood's Earth Crustal Shift hypothesis You got me there... Never heard that one treat yourself - its a great read Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock Review Poking about through an assortment of grand earthly mysteries, Hancock (The Sign and the Seal, 1992) cobbles together a fascinating theory that proposes a lost civilization lying behind the conundrums. Why is it that the ruins of central America appear to show such a profound knowledge of spherical trigonometry millennia before that branch of mathematics was to find currency in the West? How is it that the great temples in Peru and Egypt show a clear understanding of the precession of the equinoxes way prior to its "discovery" by Hipparchus? All of these ancient monuments depict bearded Caucasian men in their sculpture. Pourquoi? Drawing on an amazing wealth of materials - from a close reading of mythology to geological texts, from archaeo-astronomy to rarefied mathematics - Hancock devises a theory that posits a highly evolved civilization that was wiped clear off the face of the earth during the cataclysmic happenings that attended the retreat of the last ice sheet. A resulting massive crustal displacement in turn might have buried the evidence of this advanced culture, leaving only a few survivors to pass on their knowledge to succeeding generations. Egyptian, Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations all speak of men - Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, the bearded men - who brought great wisdom into their midst (though why they didn't pass along the principle of the wheel to the Maya is an equal mystery). Where did these learned men come from? Hancock has evidence to suggest Antarctica, explained via a combination of crust movement and the odd fact that the topography of Queen Maud Land appears on a map dated 1513, when it was - and had for millennia been - under ice. He also has evidence that the next apocalypse may be just around the corner. A fancy piece of historical sleuthing - breathless, but intriguing and entertaining and sturdy enough to give a long pause for thought. (Kirkus Reviews)
  16. OMG I had forgotten the old Atlantis theories- I used to love all of that stuff. I used to love arguing that it was true with people to wind them up (foptastic) and ended up believing it myself. my personal favourite theory being the Antarctica once having been Atlantis and for Hapgood's Earth Crustal Shift hypothesis
  17. Fascist. left-wing-namby-pamby-politically-correct fascist though.
  18. so what does their job description say ? Technically they are self employed sub contractors which means they are free to offer or refuse there service for any delivery or collection we have available. In reality we can usually find someone who has no objection to handling alcohol to make the delivery. We also have people who dont like delivering into central london, some who dont like long journeys on a friday night, and those who like to finish in Horsham before six o clock on a Wednesday for football training. We try to accomodate any specific dislike or reequests they might make, in return we find if we need people to do the less rewarding jobs they will help us out. I have found if you treat people fairly and with respect they will work harder and more efficiently. Of course I terminate the contract of anybody who refuses too much work, or who I dont feel is treating me or my staff fairly and with respect.
  19. 1 Bill can choose to give up his life to save others, it is not your choice or responsibility The kidnapper is responsible for this situation not you. the train cannot make a decision, therefore it is your responsibility to take it 2 I am what I am iyam 3 I am justified in beleiving on the balance of probabilities there is a computer screen 4 fuck fred
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