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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Just got back - enjoyed it immensely
  2. I'm in the same camp. I am much more worried by the thought of losing Shearer than going down. I'm assuming that losing Shearer means the return of JFK and the extinguishing of any hope for the next few years
  3. I think you missed the point. Top posting Stevie
  4. we could play til next week and we wouldnt score
  5. its time for spiderman to come on and run about like a headless chicken imo
  6. I cant think about anything else for longer than five minutes
  7. I would prefer to have Shearer in the Champ than Kinnear in the Prem nexr season. Sadly Im expecting Kinnear in the Champ and a long painful slide into oblivion
  8. The scene where DeAngelo is sent of with WeeBay, and thinks he is gonna get offed, but ends up feeding his fish is superb.
  9. Rewatched series one over the lst three nights (god bless bbc2 &sky+) That shit is tight yo!!
  10. One more point than I thought - I would have taken it at the start in a heartbeat ps Shola must never play again
  11. Okay. Now that we've established you manage barca, can you please fuck off. no problem. but you know i'm right. your midfield just knows how to foul players and play long balls. will win plenty of games with that strategy i'm sure. all you need are world class strikers right? good bye, and best of luck trying to avoid relegation earlier in the year i told you to fuck off, seems you paid no attention.
  12. I hate myself for getting excited, surely Ive been through enough by now that I can be realistic about the situation, but sure enough I can feel the hysteria within. When I actually realised it was happening I was saying our chances of staying up had improved from o% to maybe 50/50, and feeling more bemused than anything else. I certainly wasnt thinking tomorrow would be anything but a (hopefully spirited) defeat Sadly Ive just finished taunting the two Chelsea fans in the office, convinced we will get a result tomorrow. Will I never learn
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