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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. I run a delivery company - fuck my life
  2. You missed me, I've always said he was decent.
  3. BOOM!! The only word I disagree with is fairly in the description of the stadium. It had one half decent but ageing stand,The Leazes was gone, two open ends, a rickety old wooden stand- the transformation of the team and ground was astonishing
  4. Agony? 8th in the leagure Beating Sunderland 5-1 Beating Liverpool 3-1 Watching players like Tiote, Barton and Carrol Best agony in my lifetime tbh How old are you,5?
  5. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport..._medium=twitter Arsenal haven't come knocking then
  6. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport..._medium=twitter Arsenal haven't come knocking then
  7. The only conclusion that I can draw from the Mike Ashley ownership of the club is that football is a joke at our expense The seemingly infallible ability to make the worst possible decision at any given time..... to choose Wise over Keegan, to sell in that window, to refuse to support then sack the one man who against all odds had returned dignity and premiership football to our club, to be responsible for Joe Kinnear...... But even in the face of such ridiculous ineptitude to have the club in a comfortable mid table position, having romped the Championship, with the most exciting young footballer in Britain grabbing headlines l r and c, still able to pull in over 50k for a televised match, We all know that we will get sucked back in only for that bastard to fuck us all over again. It would be easier if his bizarre running of the club had left us broke relegated and looking at administration. This state of affairs just prolongs the agony.
  8. He was a cop and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead.Framed for murder, now he prowls the badlands. An outlaw hunting outlaws, a bounty hunter, a renegade! Hell yeah
  9. I've never wished anyone dead...... .....
  10. Until it gets succesful and a fat asshole comes and buys it. Set it up as an industrial and provident society as FCUM have done and that won't happen. I actually think this is the way forward - The trouble with the boycott is people like going to the match, and want to support their team. Protests will never work, too many people wont are cant stop going. Setting up FCUN gives people a positive outlet not a negative one, and avoids the charge of only hurting the team that always accompanies protests. The real clincher though is the ability to use FCUN as a verb - that would be FCUN great
  11. Go on there Joey. Have to admit thugh I still feel slightly detached from the whole thing
  12. Given that Llambias ran the casino rather than owned it then I can't see how Pardew would owe him so much money. Credit line obv, sop for casinos when theyve got a mug punter on the hook
  13. will you watch it mate? I've got a morbid fascination about this. It's like having an out of body experience and watching yourself get knocked over by a truck. I will probably watch in the pub - I can't imagine watching it sober. It does feel weird though. I haven't thought about the game at all
  14. That Keegan interview in full - lays it out simply and correctly
  15. I hate to say it, but I'm not sure that I really care what happens in this game. I won't say that I want us to lose, I'm sure I would enjoy a win. But in all honesty what happens doesn't matter, at the end of the game Ashley will still be the man who owns us, the club is his now not ours. We are fucked until he goes, and he aint going nowhere
  16. I am so jealous of people who haven't seen the wire Holden!! get i watched and come back and thank me 6 episodes in. AS for the Walking Dead -I haven't seen the finale yet, and even though I have enjoyed it, it has in no way lived up to the potential of ep1.
  17. At last its back - CBS action Sky channel 148 Dec16th Get it sky plussed If you don't know it already my description won't do it justice but there has never been a better back to back two hours of dreadful fantastic pure enjoyment than when I first got sky and Sunday night had Renegade followed by Highlander
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