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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Barcelona's bench tonight Valdes, Pique, Abidal, Xavi, Pedro, Messi, Villa
  2. Geordie boy Lee Clarke and Coleman telling it like it is. Jesus the start of the program an Sky has been depressing
  3. If you let me know by PM I promise to never accuse you of being a daily mail reader again You should start posting again
  4. The people to the right of the 3 trucks are the anti-mubarak from what I can make out. They capt some of the pro and they turned out to be plain clothes coppers and so on... Boo- I've been shouting for the wrong side. Are the ones on the right not the pro mubarak, my guess was the camera would be in the square
  5. I'm watching on bbc, which team is on the left - I dont know which side to support
  6. Ah - the George Osbourne plan for deficit reduction
  7. I thought it was accepted that he had been touted round as available. I know SpivHarry said it and I'm sure I've seen it elsewhere You dont get £35m for a player being touted round for sale. As i have said before, i only say things as i see them but the likelihood of that being true is 0% in my opinion. You think there is a 0% chance it was known that Carroll was available at the right price? I think there is a 100% chance that you have underestimated the possibilty
  8. I thought it was accepted that he had been touted round as available. I know SpivHarry said it and I'm sure I've seen it elsewhere
  9. It was and it wasn't. While Liverpool were obviously offering him a payrise, he hadn't suddenly improved massively as a footballer in the last three months whereby he deserved another new contract. He had proved he could cut it in the premiership over that period, scoring freely and being described as unplayable by pundits left right and centre. Thats a pretty recent developement.
  10. I'm hoping he is going to find himself a right bunch of dodgy scouse mates, and lets face it the place is a vermin infested shithole, and piss his carrer up the wall
  11. I would agree with you but for the fact that he signed a new deal just three months ago. As I have said before the length of time ago the contract was signed is irrelevant. His worth was redefined by Liverpool's wage offer and valuation
  12. Where else is the money to come from ??? Anyway I fully expect Jose to be away in the summer, sadly. Television rights, gate receipts, merchandise, etc. You can't reasonably argue, like they did, that the club was losing 500k a week in the Championship then turn around and say there's no extra money from being in the PL. But they will when people like you are ready to buy it. Don't forget that sponsorship income from Sports Direct
  13. I think they were already having the conversation, and AC thought they were going to renegotiate. I think they could have kept him happy quite easily
  14. From physioroom.com Liverpool 2 J Carragher Dislocated Shoulder 26th Feb 11 A Carroll Thigh Muscle Strain 5th Feb 11 Due back from injury Saturday - miracle recovery
  15. Anybody remember the game of ridiculous wind against Southampton with Shilton in goal. The wind was so bad at one point Shilton hoofed the ball up the pitch the wind blew it back into the box and Reilly lead a cavalry charge to head the ball into the net, It was an hilarious game
  16. The contract negotiations were happening a couple of months into the contract because there was an offer elsewhere of much bigger money. The length of time into the contract is irrelevant, his worth was redefined by what LFC were going to be willing to pay him. The Torres deal had been under negotiation for a couple of weeks, so had this one obviously The club wanted to keep him so were happy to renegotiate until £35m was on the table at which point they told him no new contract, get fucked - so he did. Maybe the club would have upped his contract if the offer wasn't big enough, maybe it was all a ploy to drive up the price
  17. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/fe...ig-step-forward Discussed for two weeks, while Liverpool let it be known they are interested in AC and would be paying him 85k per week. Ashley/LLambias lead Carroll on into thinking they want him to stay saying they will give him a better contract, then at the last minute they say actually know we want to accept this offer. Agent goes we cant take this big man they are taking the piss lets get on the plane to the pool. Before the cogs in his brain have had time to work it out hes handed a request in got to Liverpool and its all over. This is the truth I am choosing to believe
  18. From his agent. It wouldn't be hard to persuade him that he was being dicked about - I imagine the players think Ashley/Llambias are cunts just as much as we do
  19. Yep thats the way contract negotiations work - Pardew and the player thrash it out between them and then the agents and aashley sign what they agree to
  20. top transfers ever 1 Cristiano Ronaldo Manchester United Real Madrid £80 €93.5[4] 2009 £80m 2 Zlatan Ibrahimović[5] Internazionale Barcelona £56.5 €66[6][7] 2009 £61m 3 Kaká Milan Real Madrid £56 €64 2009 £56m 4 Fernando Torres Liverpool Chelsea £49.5 €58 2011 £50m 5 Carlos Tévez Manchester United Manchester City £47[8] €54.9 2009 £47m 6 Zinedine Zidane Juventus Real Madrid £45 €75[9][10] 2001 £53m 7 Andy Carroll Newcastle United Liverpool £35[11] €40 2011 £35m 8 David Villa Valencia Barcelona £34.2[12] €40 2010 £34m 9 Hernán Crespo[13] Parma Lazio £35.5[14] €55 2000 £45m 10 Luís Figo Barcelona Real Madrid £37[15] €58.5 2000 £46m When you look at it like that it is actually pretty good business.
  21. On the bright side we will be laughing when the EUFA financial fair play rules come in - us and Arsenal take on all comers
  22. Nobody turned up because the whole thing is a fucking joke that is never going to achieve anything. Nice strop though
  23. Beardsley Waddle and Gazza all went in much the same circumstances. A bit of initial anger soon blows over Similar but not the same. The wages that Carroll was on here were still astronomical compared to most normal people; comparatively speaking, the three you mentioned weren't on anything like that sort of money. We sold Gazza for £2m. They all left for clubs who had more ambition. They were all already earning more money than most people could dream of, but not as much as they would earn elsewhere. Seems pretty much the same to me, and speaking as somebody who is old enough to have been there it feels pretty much exactly the same as well. I got a text earlier from someone who has lived through this before who said the wheel has now turned full circle. This leaves us much closer to where we were pre Keegan than even the relegation
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