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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Camerons grandstanding on Egypt and democracy shown up to be the hypocritical sham it was now pro democracy protests in Bahrain and Saudi start. No surprise to anyone obviously. I have no idea what to do in this situation, unless we bite the bullet, and the get the whole of the west to unite and bomb the fuck out of the lot of them. At least we would get cheap oil for the next 30 years
  2. Congratulations DrG. Same birthday as my daughter who is 21 today, and I still have no idea what I'm doing.
  3. Ignoring the fucking tedium of the back and forth, that is the most important statement about where we are now, and the most depressing
  4. J69? Damn strait If I had his money I wouldn't be pissing it up the wall on drugs No you would just waste it
  5. November 68. Man City. 1-0. Wyn the Leap
  6. Fuck him. Hope he is permanently injured or banged up. Or even better both. Him doing well for England would stick in my craw
  7. Ex Ex Ex that's all you men think about Couldn't find it though
  8. Beat me to it it's fucking shit. I really enjoyed it; it's not thought provoking, but the action sequences redefined the camera work and brought complicated wirework into blockbuster films. I mean, forget about the meaning, just as an action film with a sci-fi bent, it's a fucking corker. It takes itself so seriously imo. Whereas I was completely unable to take it seriously at all. I'm probably being harsh like, i.e. judging it in relation to the hype but I still think it's canny shit. If it was on telly and there was fuck all else on, I still wouldn't watch it again. I loved it - its pretty dated now I know, but when I first saw it at the cinema it was completely visually revolutionary. Behind Apocalypse Now it is the most I've ever enjoyed the visual cinema experience. edit: ironically enough I would put Blade Runner at number three in my list
  9. Good idea mate lets talk Newcastle! Is Ant still pumping Dec up the arse? and why did geordies turn miss Cole to black dudes? (Mind you its not hard if you think about it) This is ridiculously pedantic but it was completely fucking me off the other day too - it's either 'Miss Tweedy' or 'Mrs Cole' not 'Miss Cole.' Now fuck off Not strictly correct Catty - surely Ms Cole is acceptable
  10. Exhibit one, your Honour:The Matrix I think the Matrix remains a quality film regardless of the poor sequels. In fact I can't think of original films that I've found wanting after watching a sequel, all I've ever felt is disappointment that the franchise was weakened and that my hopes were not met. To be fair, I think if you'd watched Matrix 2 and 3, they work as stand alone films, not in the same class as the 1st, but decent none the less. I wish this was true for me. I absolutely loved the Matrix, but whenever I watch it now and see Morpheus my brain always says "Zion, are you ready to rock" after that mindnumbingly bad rave thing in Revolutions
  11. Terrible miss by Astle there- great game though
  12. I genuinely wouldn't be that surprised if Jose and JB didn't play for us again. I am a miserable fuck though
  13. Exhibit one, your Honour:The Matrix
  14. Rude Kid was a favourite of mine in the early days. Ah, simple pleasures. I still say regretting the google image search tho
  15. basically mate, he is obsessed - and he just can't take being proved wrong the poor thing I had wondered if anybody would prove the opening post incorrect, or should I say try to, but they can't because it is indisputable. However, I DID expect MM and ASM to make stupid posts in response and that also proved to be absolutely correct. Nobody wants to even comment on the original post because it's so outrageously shit and they already know what your answers are going to be. That's how pathetic you've become. Do you get it? Still here?
  16. I've got around 1500 albums and 2000 singles in my loft. I reckon they will leaving the house in a box a couple of weeks after I do
  17. We all know Leazes will never let things go and keep going forever. Poll evidence tells us all we need to know about skidders. MM I've always liked as a poster, but I don't know what you are trying to acheive here. You know LM isn't going to stop - it would be a lot better for everybody if you stepped away from this nonsense. They are dragging you down to their level
  18. My favourite quote out of the whole thing is when he gets asked what is your tombstone going to say he concentrates for a minute and says "something dotcom" It makes me laugh every time I think of it
  19. His kids were taken away from him last night according to the radio this morning... Taken away to be given to his ex wife who is in rehab - godblesstheunitedstatesofamerica
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