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spongebob toonpants

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Everything posted by spongebob toonpants

  1. Somebody blockaded in a house with a load of weapons was the words in Sainsbury
  2. I only wanted a couple of beers from the Sainsburys local and I wander into this. Not my photos btw
  3. I think the phrase is these things happen gradually then suddenly Lots of reason why it's the perfect time though. Wotsit Mussolini sucking up all the media coverage, the Republicans poloiticians either too terrified to face him down or bought and paid for. People totally disengaged. Most people either still comfortable or more worried about how to put food on the table to notice. Completely supine press And half the country brainwashed fully on board cult members
  4. It's happening in plain sight. This video came out a few months ago and mentions a lot of the same people and their plan with the same conclusion. Scary how much of it has happened in the first month
  5. RIP George Lowe voice of Space Ghost. Used to love that show back in the day Years ahead of its time
  6. Nah that's not me. No split loyalties here
  7. Wtf has happened to Harry Brook England getting well and truly walloped by Afghanistan here
  8. Good piece from Goodall https://goodallandgoodluck.substack.com/p/europes-darkest-moment-could-be-starmers?r=4i04j3&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true
  9. Qualifying for the Champions League would probably be better for us than winning the Carabou Cup both squad wise next year and for our long term development Just hope we end up with one or the other
  10. Next few months and how Europe deals with the threat of Trump absolutely vital. Need to minimise any reliance on the US
  11. Russia wouldn't have struggled anywhere near as much if Ukraine hadn't had US support, which is what we are facing now. They also have the military "advantage" of not giving a fuck how many of their troops die Economically they are still selling all their oil to India/China, and again don't gave to worry about their electorate Hopefully Europe can unite. Frightening times though
  12. It's a military threat because its a nuclear power
  13. Sorry Stotters, having a crying wank to chicks with dicks does not an ally make
  14. Most people would be concerned about helping and protecting vulnerable kids than pretending to care about a non-existant problem in elite sports
  15. Believe what? It's OK though, they're keener on music than sport so you're participation trophy is safe
  16. I've got a trans kid. This place is a refuge from dealing with cunts like this on a daily basis. Get him in the bin
  17. Don't worry yourself, He's just asking questions
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