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Optimistic Nut

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Everything posted by Optimistic Nut

  1. And he has much better players at his disposal now after his own transfer activity. I reckon he should at least be given a chance with those players.
  2. Once upon a time, there was a poor sod with a wooden eye. He obviously had low self-esteem and had no luck with the ladies. One night he was at the bar with one of his mates, and he spotted a good looking lady with a wooden leg. "Why don't you go over to her mate? She'll obviously understand". So the man with the wooden eye plucks up the courage to talk to her, very nervous though. "W-w-w-would you like to dance with me?" The woman with the wooden leg was thrilled. "Would I!" she replied. "Oh well f*ck off yourself you wooden legged bitch".
  3. Souness did that with Blackburn in two consecutive seasons after bringing a Blackburn back into the Premiership who were in turmoil going nowhere fast after the sad death of Jack Walker & under the "guidance" of Brian Kidd...and he won them a cup.
  4. Sorry but that is b*llocks. HE had Henrik Larsson who was 5 foot nowt for his most productive time there. He liked to play it out to wingers Alan Thompson and Didier agathe with 2 strong midfielders. Then have the wingers play it in for His big guy and Larsson. uch the same way we did when we had a fit Shearer and bellamy. 34267[/snapback] But he also had Hartson & Sutton and a lot of the game was long balls upto one of them for Larsson to feed off.
  5. As I mentioned with the difference between Allardyce & Souness, what are the differences between O'Neill at Leicester & Celtic, and Souness at Blackburn & Rangers??? We HAVE to look abroad. There's nobody in Britain, barring the big 4 clubs' managers who could push us on. Ranieri anyone?
  6. I still don't think we've heard the last of "Anelka to Newcastle" myself.
  7. I really fear for us if we're to rely on Clark & Faye in midfield. That is a fecking Coca Cola Championship standard midfield.
  8. Ready to be hung drawn and quartered, but I think Ameobi or Shearer is just as difficult to choose from at the moment.
  9. Or, like we played against Man U last season, stick Carr in the holding role and keep Taylor at right-back, and move Bowyer out wide.
  10. How about going, for one game only, 3-5-2? Carr & Babayaro as wing-backs, Bramble, Boumsong & Taylor in the centre, with Clark, Bowyer & N'Zogbia in midfield? Anything's better than playing Faye!
  11. Some of the names are wrong, but it looks like I got the injury thing almost spot on.
  12. No he'd not think of playing someone who's preferred role is alongside or just off a natural goalscorer out wide... oh, hang on.
  13. Is Hargreaves contribution for England any worse than Sinclair, Jenas, Gerrard, Dyer, Carrick, etc???
  14. I hope Souness wasn't reading that website before. I bet he would have had kittens if he'd seen it with Emre's name up.
  15. I think Shola would excel alongside Owen, Luque & Solano.
  16. Why did Robinson try the spectacular "tip over the bar", when he could have easily palmed it away? It won't stand out as much as a James error, but it was costly.
  17. How? Similar scoring records in Europe & in the Premiership. Both have flashes of brilliance but more often or not flatter to deceive.
  18. You've hit the nail on the head. They're almost identical. Both struggled in the Premiership, both excelled in Europe, and both should have done/ be doing a lot better. Yet one is considered a hero, and the other one is "crap".
  19. I went down to see Nottingham Forest v Newcastle in a friendly a few years back. It looked very close to a sell-out, yet the "official" attendance was just 19,191. (not as if they put a lot of thought into the figure either!)
  20. Kenny Miller has just put Scotland one up!
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