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Optimistic Nut

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Everything posted by Optimistic Nut

  1. If we signed them two, I would honestly have a wank at St James' Park in front of the Newcastle dugout...not going to happen.
  2. Pretty much sums him up for me, but for some strange reason he's worshipped on here. 59455[/snapback] Who, Nihat? Who worships him on here like/ 59456[/snapback] He's worshipped on N-O if that helps? 59458[/snapback] Aye, that's who I meant. He had one great season, but apart from that, very little.
  3. Pretty much sums him up for me, but for some strange reason he's worshipped on here.
  5. Just had a message from a mate at the Ian Brown gig that the stage collapsed halfway through it. Luckily, no-one was hurt.
  6. At the end of the 2003-4 season, he signed a new contract changing from a one-year rolling one, to a simple one-year contract. Did he not get the hint when he signed it, or had he well and truly lost it by then?
  7. I hate the fact almost every other post is someone trying to share to the world a new wallpaper, video or requests like, "Does anyone have a clip of Keane trying to punch Shearer" blah blah. As if we're bothered, and for fecks sake, if you want a clip, buy the fooking DVD like most people.
  8. When I was 16 and didn't know any better, I once fell trying to jump on that. Thing is, it wasn't moving at the time.
  9. If Carr is fit, I'd sooner have him than Ramage against Duff. Carr will have a good idea of how to stop him from his Ireland days in training.
  10. I know, he was really looking at Cisse to see what he'd be like as a partner for Owen.
  11. Swap Taylor & Shearer with Bramble & Ameobi and I think you'll be right. I can see it being a close game tbh. Midfield will be a massive area, with 2 of the 3 best midfield pairings in direct opposition. Who ever wins that battle could prove to be the key.
  12. As long as Bramble & Boumsong stay fit, I don't think this will hurt us as much as people think/expect.
  13. Newcastle-Upon-Toon Optimistic Nut Tuno *banned* Optimistic Nut Bernd das Brot Optimistic Nut
  14. Just seen on Look North a bunch of Hartlepool fans released a footie song last week that reached number 24 in the charts, beating off competition from new singles by Bananarama & Jamiroquai.
  15. Deepest sympathy to you and everyone who was involved in your father's life. RIP.
  16. I play on my laptop which isn't online so can't get screenshots, but I beat some amateur side from the Faroe Islands called Skala, 8-0 away & 13-0 at home in the Intertoto Cup Third Round.
  17. Just been reading a bit more..he was found with his toothbrush still in his mouth, which suggests a heart failure.
  18. I'm not a fan of wrestling, but just heard the news that he was found dead in his hotel this morning. Tragic news.
  19. As the SFA have said, it's Sepp Blatter who's said he'd approve of it...but the next President of FIFA (who'll be in charge well before 2012 I guess) might have different ideas.
  20. He impressed me in the two games against Liverpool last month in the Champions League. Reminds me of Gronkjaer, only a better crosser of the ball. For a couple of million he'd be a good buy. Would push Solano for a place too.
  21. Gold star although I'm sure you were cheating! And Rikko's right that Berkovic scored for Blackburn in the Premiership. 55784[/snapback] Nah. Honestly. No faith some people. Barmby was actually an easy one, and I couldn't think of any other foreigners bar Berkovic who'd played for 3 or 4 Premiership clubs (never knew he had 5 mind).
  22. When did he play for Blackburn? Can't remember that. Although he may have followed Souness there from Southampton I suppose.
  23. Ahhhhhh. Got the English one. Nick Barmby. Spurs, Boro, Everton, Liverpool & Leeds. And Berkovic? Southampton, West Ham, Man City, Portsmouth....did he have a 5th Premiership club?
  24. Already been said. Just the 4 (Villa, Liverpool, Forest & Bradford)
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