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Optimistic Nut

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Everything posted by Optimistic Nut

  1. Tragic. Krypton Factor will never be the same again.
  2. Also, heard a great new song on the way back on the coach. (to the tune of Land of Hope and Glory) "We've got Michael Owen, You've got Jonathan Stead. We've got Alan Shearer, and you've got Dean Whitehead"
  3. The Boumsong of last season for me.
  4. Overall impression of the game was that Given & Ramage were our best players, Parker & Boumsong did "okay"...the rest were a pile of shite.
  5. I don't know nut it looked like Martyn had it covered. Forget Souness's lack of tactics, the injury excuse or whatever else you want to blame, the team has absolutely no desire. There is no movement off the ball. With few exceptions they are always second to a loose ball, they get turned by talentless opposition, some players find it easier to fall over in the hope of gaining a free kick than standing up and fighting for position and let's not even talk about their passing. At the moment there isn't really anything positive in the team's play and when they have a moment of good possession it always breaks down with the same players giving the ball away cheaply with a stray pass. 61765[/snapback] Martyn may have had it covered, but had the referee spotted the handball, at the very least we'd have had the penalty and probably came away with a draw...but a red-card would have probably followed.
  6. Before we get the normal brigade of people having a go at Souness blaming the referee again for this defeat...I blame both. I blame Souness & the players for the inept 2nd-half display, but had the referee done his job AGAIN (Wigan all over again), we'd have played over an hour today, probably 1-0 up and against 10-men.
  7. AS is also reporting on it (although it's just the same quotes as Sky Sports & Marca)...but they were pretty much spot-on throughout the whole Luque transfer saga. http://www.as.com/articulo.html?d_date=&xr...nchor=dasftbA00
  8. What's pissing me off about some fans is that they think he's injured just for Newcastle. Look at his record at Liverpool, he missed a fair amount of games through injury even there.
  9. Found a link. http://www.marca.es/edicion/marca/futbol/1...llo/594725.html Marca are actually very complementary to us saying we're the only club acting as if we want to challenge Chelsea! Basically saying after the transfers of Luque & Owen, we want to add Joaquin to the squad. It says one drawback could be a lack of money, but "Francis" Shepherd is a multi-millionnaire who'd do anything to see the club high in the table. The other page is basically what Sky Sports were reporting on.
  10. Quoted for truth. Personally, I'd carry Joaquin from Seville if he were to sign for us ! 61119[/snapback] Agreed. Sign him first, then worry about where the money has came from after.
  11. http://www.worldschoolphotographs.com/ Bloody hell. I found 2 from Primary School & 1 from Secondary School of me.
  12. Difference is, the players in front of Shola are miles better, I honestly don't think Clark is a million times better than Faye... ...closer to 956,205 times.
  13. Even then though, if it was Andy Fay from Howdon, and Leclerc from Bordeaux, I think some opinions would be different (not all).
  14. About 10 years ago I was sitting the next table from him upstairs in the KFC at the Haymarket.
  15. It's actually funny, because I can remember on the temporary board, (s7.invisionfree) or whatever it was, and when it was mentioned the two boards were being merged, you said something like, "It's not as if it's going to be the Toonchat Casuals against the HTT Gremlins" (or something like that). Sadly, how right you were!
  16. Ah right, no, just got forums mixed-up. I remember a load of posts saying how great and almighty this Nihat is, but as Shearergol pointed out, it's N-O. *climbs out of self-dug grave*
  17. Ah yeah, I remember him. If he was Monsieur Leclerc from Bordeaux, he'd be slated.
  18. Great pro, Geordie, etc. etc. blah blah, but am I the only one pissed off and bored with the Evening Chronicle's over-the-top attitude towards him? Fucksake man, he's a journeyman these days and if he was anything other than a Geordie, would be nowhere near our squad.
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