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Optimistic Nut

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Everything posted by Optimistic Nut

  1. Difference between an old head coming in and saving a club from Division Two, to an old head coming in and taking a mid-table side into Europe.
  2. It's been in force in Ireland for a while and they seem to be okay with it.
  3. Actually, it wasn't until 1911 that they beat Juve. They beat Zurich in the 1909 Final. In the film it's Juventus they beat.
  4. Noticed only Given celebrated the goal with Parker. Bad apple methinks.
  5. Just been watching Captain's Tale. Best football film EVER.
  6. Just wondering since it's only 3 years until the centenary of West Auckland beating Juventus in the World Cup in 1909, what are the chances of Juve sending over a team to face West Auckland of today? Sounds a weird prospect, but didn't a Brazil XI play Exeter City a couple of years back? I say we start a campaign.
  7. He doesn't have one. Doesn't mean he's not a good manager.
  8. Well I can remember either on here or N-O, when people were putting O'Neill's name forward that the only reason he didn't win the UEFA Cup was because he got beat off Mourinho in the final...which manager stopped Deschamps from winning the Champions League in 2004?
  9. This wasn't the same place where Wor Nobby only paid 1.50 to get his car washed was it? Cheap b*stard.
  10. No idea but he's got pretty low odds for the Newcastle job at the moment.
  11. Anyone from Hiddink, Hitzfeld, Allardyce, Deschamps, O'Neill, Flores & Eriksson. Let England take who they want from Curbishley, Pearce & Jewell and then the FA will realise what they've got now with Eriksson isn't all that bad.
  12. http://home.skysports.com/list.asp?hlid=37...ready+to+return Ready to return to management next season, and outside of France. Would have him here in a heartbeat.
  13. Where's the link to Scolari's quotes?
  14. You beat me to it 109192[/snapback] Or you can look at it the other way and see the chairman has accepted he f*cked up with his last appointment and has reacted instantly, not waiting 18 months down the line.
  15. I think more than just the Box Office would explode.
  16. And I would also say he's under a lot more pressure defensively at Newcastle, than any time during his career at club or international level. I wonder how Gallas would cope if he was under that much pressure for 90 minutes a game, and whether one or two errors would creep into his game. Look at Melchiot. When he was at Chelsea he was arguably one of the best right-backs in the league. For Birmingham where he's forced to defend more he looks no more than a pub player.
  17. Arsenal away 2001-2 season. Shearer put us 2-1 up, only Dyer went to him, Robert made it 3, the whole team celebrated. You telling me that was because Robert was more popular than Shearer? No chance. Storm in a teacup tbh.
  18. Would still like to see what would happen if you stuck Gallas alongside Elliott, Ramage & Bramble, and put Boumsong next to Terry & Ferreira.
  19. Just out of interest, has there even been any mention of the flare incident at Upton Park? I could imagine what would have been said had that been in the San Siro.
  20. strange comment from a strange person 107337[/snapback] Mint.
  21. Said a few weeks ago he'd come here with Owen going to Man U. Still have a feeling it might happen.
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