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Optimistic Nut

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Everything posted by Optimistic Nut

  1. Show-off Well, I left school with fuck all qualifications, and I turned out alright. 111815[/snapback] Teehee.
  2. Optimistic Nut


  3. Wouldn't be surprised if Shearer went there to work under Souness for a bit.
  4. The funny thing is, in the First Round we came across Freddie Ljungberg at Halmstads. Just think how the course of English football would have changed if we'd signed those 3 rather than Arsenal!
  5. Monaco only seem to sign players on Loan these days. Our best bet is he has a good World Cup and someone like PSG or Lyon come in with 4 or 5m for him.
  6. Optimistic Nut


    Santos of Brazil and Le Havre in France were set up by some British sailors.
  7. Optimistic Nut


    Decided to google it, and couldn't find anything...but I did find this. The Football Association Laws of 1863 1. The maximum length of the ground shall be 200 yards, the maximum breadth shall be 100 yards, the length and breadth shall be marked off with flags; and the goal shall be defined by two upright posts, eight yards apart, without any tape or bar across them. 2. A toss for goals shall take place, and the game shall be commenced by a place kick from the centre of the ground by the side losing the toss for goals; the other side shall not approach within 10 yards of the ball until it is kicked off. 3. After a goal is won, the losing side shall be entitled to kick off, and the two sides shall change goals after each goal is won. 4. A goal shall be won when the ball passes between the goal-posts or over the space between the goal-posts (at whatever height), not being thrown, knocked on, or carried. 5. When the ball is in touch, the first player who touches it shall throw it from the point on the boundary line where it left the ground in a direction at right angles with the boundary line, and the ball shall not be in play until it has touched the ground. 6. When a player has kicked the ball, any one of the same side who is nearer to the opponent's goal line is out of play and may not touch the ball himself, nor in any way whatever prevent any other player from doing so, until he is in play; but no player is out of play when the ball is kicked off from behind the goal line. 7. In case the ball goes behind the goal line, if a player on the side to whom the goal belongs first touches the ball, one of his side shall be entitled to a free kick from the goal line at the point opposite the place where the ball shall be touched. If a player of the opposite side first touches the ball, one of his side shall be entitled to a free kick at the goal only from a point 15 yards outside the goal line, opposite the place where the ball is touched, the opposing side standing within their goal line until he has had his kick. 8. If a player makes a fair catch, he shall be entitled to a free kick, providing he claims it by making a mark with his heel at once; and in order to take such a kick he may go back as far as he pleases, and no player on the opposite side shall advance beyond his mark until he has kicked. 9. No player shall run with the ball. 10. Neither tripping nor hacking shall be allowed, and no player shall use his hands to hold or push his adversary. 11. A player shall not be allowed to throw the ball or pass it to another with his hands. 12. No player shall be allowed to take the ball from the ground with his hands under any pretext whatever while it is in play. 13. No player shall be allowed to wear projecting nails, iron plates, or gutta percha on the soles or heels of his boots. A few more rules were soon added: in 1865 it was agreed that tape should be stretched across the goalposts at a height of eight feet; in 1866 the offside rule was introduced; goal kicks were introduced in 1869, the game limited to ninety minutes in 1877 and a year later referees were allowed to use whistles.
  8. To be fair, in his interview on SSN after the match he did admit they played better in the second-half without him, than what they did in the first-half.
  9. http://www.channel4.com/sport/football_italia/mar29f.html Marco Tardelli & Nevio Scala linked with the Hearts job.
  10. http://www.equipe.fr/Football/FootballFicheJoueur5704.html Great website this... Excellent scoring record pretty much consistently throughout his career.
  11. Ironic thing about Weah is that Keegan eventually signed his man 6 years later for Man City.
  12. http://www.equipe.fr/Football/FootballFicheJoueur4284.html Weah averaged near enough a goal every other game in his 5 seasons at Milan barring his 4th season...not many strikers do that in Serie A.
  13. What that report didn't include was... "with the resources I've had to work with" Which of course he'd be right. Spent 750K on Speed last year, 1m this year. Amazing job and I'd be delighted if we ended up with Big Sam, rather have him than O'Neill. As for boring football, his team play no differently to Chelsea and Liverpool, Bolton just have less flair players so it looks a lot worse. I watched them against West Ham when they beat them 4-1, tore them to shreds and played some great stuff. I doubt we'll end up with Sam though. 111662[/snapback] Wouldn't agree with that. Okocha, Nakata, Nolan, Stelios...not exactly "grafters".
  14. What did Ferdinand do after 1997? Not a lot for Tottenham really. Very injury-prone and didn't have the same scoring record as he had here and QPR. 126 starts for Spurs, 26 sub appearances, only 39 goals. At the time it was disappointing, but to quote Noel Edmonds, "It was the right deal at the right time".
  15. Wasn't it not a 6m double-bid??? I'm pretty sure we bid for both players at the same time.
  16. In Spain, I saw him score goals, create them, link the midfield and attack well, and was pacy with a good cross, pass and shot on him. However, at Newcastle, I'm with you...I've seen nothing which might suggest he'll do this in England for one reason or another (pace of the English game, Luque's mentality, etc).
  17. Suppose they're similar to the Lightning Seeds so it may be good.
  18. Why couldn't it simply say, "The owner of NUFC fans website Newcastle-Online", rather than, "Independent observer".
  19. Not exactly an "independent observer" as such then.
  20. Independent observer my fucking arse.
  21. I'll come to this one. Haven't got a ticket for the match but I'm off work so feck it.
  22. Keep posting though - you keep me entertained no end. Oh and them paper things all around you? Them's books 111015[/snapback]
  23. :) F**king quality, Pud. If only it had been April 1st it would have went down as one of the best pranks ever.
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