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Optimistic Nut

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Everything posted by Optimistic Nut

  1. Too true. Why would we want a winger who'd only help us to an extra 25-30 goals a season?[/brokenrecord]
  2. I'm sure I saw a quote from him last week saying he had a 4 year deal with Marseille and intended to see it out. Strange lad.
  3. And we have the cheek to criticise the Mackems for keep going on about the 2-1's. For some reason, our fans and club are obsessed with this 5-0, even though since then they've stuffed us 3-1, 5-3, 6-2, 4-1...
  4. On the other hand, Real Madrid have been excellent with Woodgate concerning the injury (they've never rushed him back once, they've sent him to USA for operations, he's had a lot of rehabilitation), could be a very small chance that with him having an injury-free pre-season this year, it might have cleared over. (I should have maybe put the "very small" in bold).
  5. I'm sure all will be revealed in Friday's 3.30pm Press Conference.
  6. Shola wins a penalty, Cocu booked...and Luque makes it 2-3.
  7. Adds weight to any Ashton-Milner exchange.
  8. Parker back to Chelsea as Makelele's replacement, with Hargreaves coming to Newcastle.
  9. December 2000 - Ashley Cole (Arsenal) May 2001 - William Gallas (Marseille) January 2003 - John Terry (Chelsea) January 2003 - Rafa Marquez (Monaco) If only, eh?! Also... October 2002 - Pavel Nedved (Juventus), Various, Comments made by player Anyone know what exactly he said?
  10. 23/5/2000, Damien Duff, MID, Blackburn, Evening Chronicle, Unconfirmed. And we slag Oliver off! Genius that he saw this 6 years ago.
  11. The "rumours" section on www.nufc.com is excellent for that. Interesting when you look back at some of the rumours from 5-6 years ago (like Essien being linked with us from Bastia). http://www.nufc.com/2006-07html/rumours.html
  12. More likely to do a Leeds than us I reckon. It won't be long before they go back to mid-table mediocrity.
  13. I noticed Alan Oliver couldn't resist his sly dig at Robert tonight in the Chronicle when he said something along the lines of the deal will have Newcastle fans excited at having a left-winger to rival Chris Waddle & David Ginola which has been missing.
  14. If we got Keane too, we'd well and truly have the Irish market.
  15. wouldnt be surprising 161585[/snapback] What is surprising is your post above, considering you reckoned £5-6million would be a minimum. 161589[/snapback] What you've got to consider though, is that if he went back to France he'd be deemed one of the best centre-halves in the French League, so £5-6m isn't that far-fetched.
  16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti..._a_source=&ct=5
  17. Isn't he in Barbados or something?
  18. Why? If Milner was going I think we'd have signed him, but there's no need for Milner, Solano & Malbranque (and Dyer) in squad when there's more important areas need improving.
  19. http://www.lastampa.it/sport/cmsSezioni/ca.../2265girata.asp I know no Italian, but the headline is saying it was a suicide attempt!
  20. Was just going to say the same. Perhaps he knows something Moggi & co. don't want to let out.
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