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Optimistic Nut

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About Optimistic Nut

  • Birthday 08/16/1984

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  1. Rigg also on the England u19s bench last night while Miley started. That'll sting.
  2. The NXGEN 50 has been released for this season https://www.goal.com/en/lists/nxgn-2025-best-teenage-wonderkids-football/bltc276755d27cb5f8c#csd8a162e0bab6ca94 Chris Rigg : 29th Lewis Miley : 25th
  3. Will any future trophy ever come close to how we felt on Sunday?
  4. Amazing. Would be like Bentaleb having a former manager win a Cup with Sunderland in 18 years time, and us moan because he's happy for them.
  5. "We must put pressure on the owners so they know this is unacceptable." "Okay, you going to start paying the going rate to watch a higher level Championship team/Premier League ready team, then?" "WHAT?!"
  6. Did the exact same thing v Villa in the US pre-season tour, then battered them 5-1 a few weeks later. He's a genius.
  7. I'm guessing "utter woke nonsense" has been mentioned a few times?
  8. Will give them their dues, their new badge is pretty cool.
  9. Everton's can go to about 60k once the 1 seat per safe standing seat rule is changed, which they think will be sooner rather than later, you'd think ours would go up naturally with that?
  10. Alex Murphy seems to be doing well at Bolton, could he be ready to step in the Burn-role as LCB/LB cover next season?
  11. Follow The Magpies. Actually we should start using that, would piss them off.
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