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  1. Apologies for the thread title - wanted to get your attention! I am a Kopite who was on here browsing to see Geordie perspective on the Owen deal. I came across the "harsh reality" thread where an Echo article had led to some abuse for Liverpool. As far as I'm concerned if Liverpool can't win something/sign Owen I want Newcastle to do so as I feel it is a similar city that lives for its football and obviously we have loads of links through the likes of Keegan, Beardsley, Alan Kennedy, Terry Mc etc Anyway whilst I understand that as fans we will have rivalry and disagreements etc I would rather it be due to genuine reasons than misunderstandings so I want to clear something up - the recent Echo article: Magpies in dreamland FORGIVE me for introducing a note of caution to excited Magpies, but didn't Newcastle make a much trumpeted, totally genuine, record-breaking bid for an England international striker exactly this time last year. And didn't he end up in a red shirt days later? Yes, thought so. Newcastle, a massive club? Only in the eyes of their deluded supporters. ***** was written by David Prentice who is the Echos chief bitter blue and not as you guys thought a kopite. Read it again and I am sure you will recognise its bitterness towards Newcdastle which is due to them feeling you guys are taking their place in the traditional big five, signing all their targets etc Ha! Anyway just wanted to clear that up. Good luck today.
  2. Easy there fellas - I am a Liverpool fan and I was on here to see the black and white feelings towards the Owen deal. We have always had a good relationship with the Magpies and if Owen doesn't join us I hope he joins you guys. Anyway sad to see that an article in the Echo could damage this relationship a bit but anyway I have to make you aware that the guy who wrote it David Prentice is a massive bitter blue! I can't believe none of you guys noticed it from his bitterness! As I'm sure you guys are aware Newcastle United are after ourselves Evertons greatest rivals.
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