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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. Which was pretty much my understanding of the deep state. A bunch of rich people controlling the political apparatus for their own benefit via puppets like her. I may be wrong.
  2. We'll keep the blue flag flying here 🙂
  3. And you thought sex was a good idea. 🙂
  4. Perhaps the "kill" notice was ill-advised?
  5. Beat me to it. 🙂 (yes, I know)
  6. I thought it'd be a membership requirement.
  7. Out of contract which will make him more attractive (although I recognise signing on fees and higher wages have an FFP impact).
  8. Oh good another war. Don't have enough of those. Also 4 - Putin enters the conversation. Also 5 - most of those are even further away than Rwanda so I don't suppose it's a cheap option.
  9. Prime Minister either doesn't understand or does and chose to lie. Not sure which paints him in a worse light.
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