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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. The video ref has always had it in for Perth Glory - so not surprised at all that he jumped at the chance to overrule.
  2. Most of the players named will be looking for an out asap, however good or bad they may be, especially the first three.
  3. "There is little feeling that the 56-year-old billionaire US financier who has been solely at the helm since 2009, has the stomach for the fight in the Championship" He did not have the stomach for a fight in the Premiership!
  4. I just hope we get a decision from the referee which makes Warnock's head explode
  5. Just use the Personna - cheap but work for me
  6. Wasn't this the same issue which was raised previously (can't remember when), due to his heritage. Good old Bobby's brother, as well
  7. Not sure the basis for that assumption. Surely the point of terrorism is to terrorise, and if there is no risk to civilians, where is the terror? Otherwise, what is the point?
  8. I thought that was Ant
  9. I think you would be surprised at just how easy it is to get a bad credit reference and how difficult it is to put it right, even if it has nothing to do with you. I have certainly heard of bad references coming from the previous occupants of a property. Clearly they should not take it into account, but once it has been it can be a nightmare to get the reference agencies to put it right, and there is always a concern that it still lurks somewhere in their files.
  10. Thanks for that. It was the example I wanted to give, but could not for the life of me remember when and who it was against, so gave up
  11. Pedro - despite the kissarse. Ball seemed stuck to his foot
  12. I understand this is important, but I am afraid that 100% is dull.
  13. I assume he means that they did not come up on his twitter feed. I can certainly confirm that the Australian ones were well-reported here. They may have got their facts (and, frankly, their spelling) right as well. Curtis Cheng (Parramatta October 2015) was not a police officer. FAKE NEWS
  14. Most of them weren't remotely okay with him, were they? They seem to be just willing to go along with him now, on the basis that he is pushing their aims of no gun control, no abortion, no Muslims, no marriage equality, etc. Seems odd that a party which was so anti-Russia would be willing to accept a rapprochement with Russia, without making a sound. Of course, it could be that they are just politicians with no moral compass - but who knows.
  15. Shelvey needs to play because, if he does get injured, at least we will have more time to get a replacement
  16. That was my point, but obviously not very well put.
  17. What, like the Pope supports Trump?
  18. Is that really an issue? There are enough sites publishing rubbish about potential signings that never get finalised. They simply report what has happened, not what might happen in some agent's mind.
  19. This. He probably should not have had his red card rescinded, because it was retaliation (as Rafa indicated), which would have meant him missing 8 games. His discipline is atrocious, abusing team mates and the regular kicks out at opponents. Colback is limited (to be kind), but Shelvey has the talent and needs to control himself better. Having said that, we should not be so reliant on one player.
  20. Hopefully they will get someone in who gets them up the table sufficiently so Fat Sam and the Mackems go down
  21. May be petty (I don't care), but I have had a smile all morning, when I heard the news
  22. I'd be more than happy for them to keep their club in Division 2
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