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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. Couldn't happen to a nicer prick
  2. Nobody's mentioned him for a while - bad as Trump, must do something irrational
  3. I am not sure why anyone would be so willing to give up trade with Europe for a free trade agreement with Oz. Don't get me wrong, love it here, but how much trade is the UK actually going to get from such an agreement. The same with the US, especially with Donnie (AF, MAGA) Trump in charge, not trading with anyone on a free basis.
  4. Michael Bridges and Ronny Johnsen both in Perth yesterday, discussing ManU and Leeds coming to WA mid-next year.
  5. As long as it shows the exit - cheap at half the price.
  6. Politician not knowing what he is talking about shocker
  7. That is probably the only benefit of Brexit - ensuring that the twat Farage loses his huge salary and other perks!
  8. Absolutely - anyone but Hillary must be the decision.
  9. This could not get more "Only in America"
  10. Creed Aventus Montblanc Legend Montblanc Legend Night
  11. The benefits of the Europa League
  12. Sounds like someone disrespecting our heroes - surely he should be sacked.
  13. Exactly. When he has time to think about it, it all falls apart
  14. Looking at the fat man on Saturday, you could see it had just hit him hard. He has royally screwed up, and instead of spending $25m in the summer, he is now going to have to look at spending much more in January, and even that may not be enough. There is the very real risk that he will spend that money, get relegated, AND lose another $150m because no one will want to buy the Club for anywhere near what he wants. Karma is a bitch, isn't it
  15. Since when in today's society are we supposed to read something before challenging its conclusions?
  16. Not sure when he made them matters, just that he was unwilling to follow instructions. The fact he may have kept quiet beforehand, and just showed by his actions, is more relevant.
  17. But what about import tariffs etc? Will that impact on where they build? I don't know the answer, but at the end of the day i would think it will come down to where the best market is for their product.
  18. Presumably arguing that he does not understand why Rafa would have sanctioned such an arrangement, without mentioning that it was necessary in order to loan Rondon - but that would not fit with the narrative would it?
  19. Especially the women
  20. All I can say is that I am glad I moved to Australia for all its problems Seriously, though, the idea that is being pushed by Johnson, Farrage etc that Europe and the world will come begging to do business with the UK is frankly laughable. Even Trump, with all the power of the US behind him (hopefully with knives), is not finding it plain sailing. The UK is way down the pecking order, on that basis. There is going to be some serious blood-letting (hopefully only metaphorically) when this all eventuates. As I see if from afar, May is merely in position, because no one else wanted to take the flack which she is getting for the Brexit debacle. She only wanted it, because it was her only chance, ever, to be PM, whatever the consequences. And seriously - Dancing Queen????
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