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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. They are actually doing much better this year, not least because he has helped to solidify the defence (and actually scored, as well). Of course, that just goes to show the standard of the A-League (where Curtis Good is doing alright, as well)
  2. When do we reach the stage of hoping for another relegation, just to stick it to him? The trouble is, this time we won't be coming back any time soon.
  3. Not really surprising, given that teams just making up the league are not supposed to stop Arse, ManUre, Manciteh, Chelski, Bin Dippers, Spuds, etc from playing their expensively bought brand of football.
  4. Surely the point is, as Correct. Just when he could have been a statesman, he ends up looking what he really is - an annoying, hopeless, twat
  5. Is Muto involved, as well? Not that he has had much game time recently.
  6. Scored a cracker on Sunday - usual look on his face afterwards - i.e. how did that happen
  7. But does not seem to realise that the only way you can be a cling-on club with those players is WITH a world class manager
  8. Hopefully they will sign the good one
  9. Looking from the outside, though, the issue which will always haunt him is that he clearly favours Brexit, but has no alternative plan to put forward for a UK post-Brexit. Surely, to be an effective opposition which wants to govern, he needs to set out his plan. It is no good just hoping for a GE, because then if successful you do actually need to have a plan which you could run with now. After all, that is the problem the UK is facing now, i.e. no one knew what a post-Brexit meant when voting in the first place. I assume no one voted for what is actually available.
  10. Couldn't happen to a nicer prick
  11. Nobody's mentioned him for a while - bad as Trump, must do something irrational
  12. I am not sure why anyone would be so willing to give up trade with Europe for a free trade agreement with Oz. Don't get me wrong, love it here, but how much trade is the UK actually going to get from such an agreement. The same with the US, especially with Donnie (AF, MAGA) Trump in charge, not trading with anyone on a free basis.
  13. Michael Bridges and Ronny Johnsen both in Perth yesterday, discussing ManU and Leeds coming to WA mid-next year.
  14. As long as it shows the exit - cheap at half the price.
  15. Politician not knowing what he is talking about shocker
  16. That is probably the only benefit of Brexit - ensuring that the twat Farage loses his huge salary and other perks!
  17. Absolutely - anyone but Hillary must be the decision.
  18. This could not get more "Only in America"
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