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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. So he has just done what he has because he wants to win a GE, despite the consequences for the Country?
  2. Can't tell them how much money I have taken out when the season tickets are due, and Rafa is moaning about signings.
  3. I did ages ago, but people keep quoting him
  4. Sure Ashley sees a deal in the offing there
  5. If only. Perhaps he make take the rest with him. #darwinawards
  6. Correct. Very well paid MP's unwilling to do the job they are paid for. Referenda are for weak politicians unwilling to make decisions, in case they lose their job.
  7. She should have seen the writing on the wall then
  8. Indeed. If it is one of THOSE clubs, it is the professional thing to do - feel the contact and go to ground. If it is us - he should have been stronger and went to ground too easily.
  9. Good point. I was wondering whether we could do a NFL specialist team thing for when we have a corner, bring him on to score and then take him off when it comes to defending, but your option isn't a bad one (well of course it is, but in the current circumstances ...)
  10. Was thinking about this yesterday. Frankly, if he had spent the $16m Rafa wanted at the beginning of the off season on Rondon, we could have had him fit earlier to score against Cardiff etc, kept Gayle as a back-up, and probably loaned Loftus-Cheek or the like. We would probably already been safe, and he would have been able to sell the club for his $350m and f*cked off.
  11. On the other hand, don't go for proportional representation, because it delivers a much worse outcome, with fascists, homophobes, and religious and other general nut jobs holding the balance of power. See Australia for (too) many examples
  12. Surely you did not forget "Catts" did you?
  13. I agree, but very few of them end up banging them in at any level, once they leave - Campbell, Armstrong, etc.
  14. Yes but he only came to us because no one else wanted him AND we offered him far too much. I have no idea what the current "market rate" is for a $25m player, but if that is what it is, then you have to get on with it. No point in offering $500m for Messi and offering him $10k a week - unless, of course, you don't want the deal to go through .
  15. The talk has been about why the Australian bowlers weren't able to get the ball to move much. (cough - sandpaper - cough)
  16. I was more surprised that his pass went to his own player.
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