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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. It'll be even better when they cancel this season and don't award the title to Liverpool. Then we win in next year
  2. Blaming the WHO but who (?) got rid of his pandemic preparedness organisation?
  3. But think about the sanitising you would need afterwards.
  4. He just keeps giving!
  5. Poch would probably be the easiest to get, given that OGS has not had enough time to fuck up ManUtd again due to Rona. Happy with Rafa, of course, as "manager", or just about anyone instead of the current "head coach".
  6. More likely to get into trouble for not obeying the social distancing rules in the getaway car than for the shooting
  7. Presumably the NHS will be able to sort that too.
  8. I hope you are right
  9. Hopefully not but they seem a lot more pissed off this time. This is his second go and he won't get another one.
  10. I see that Trump is inviting Bernie's supporters to come over to the dark side. Frankly would not surprise me if they did, just to spite Biden and the Party
  11. He's probably hoping that isn't his epitaph
  12. It'll never happen
  13. You are always entitled to have an opinion on here - unless it is wrong, of course
  14. I just don't get this. Let's allow Trump back in because their man did not win. While I concede that Sanders' supporters wanted more progressive policies than they would get with Biden, surely you get rid of Trump first and then push for change from within. Morons! I suppose it was similar with Corbyn - that went well
  15. Best dementia ever - it's a beautiful thing
  16. God will welcome them with open arms - and she can have them
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