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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. Which frankly would probably have resulted in a much worse deal than they may actually get from Biden.
  2. Seems it isn't always obvious
  3. I assume that Trump only wants things to go to the Supreme Court, because he thinks that the Judges who he appointed (actually only nominated) are beholden to him for the lifetime job and will chuck out all legal precedent. I would like to be a fly on the wall when they say (I hope ) that they won't hear his case.
  4. McCarthyism is alive and well
  5. Cough ... Borat ... cough
  6. Bigger than ... the Beatles
  7. Can't believe how young he was (comparatively). RIP
  8. And 1% is dead - Christ it is worrying just how stupid a large majority of that country actually is.
  9. Look at MF - all grown up 😉 Good points, well made. You should take part in the waffle more often.
  10. Are we only allowed to appoint people named Steve?
  11. Not sure we want too much of that going on before the watershed
  12. Hope all works out well Troops
  13. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11678/12114851/newcastle-pick-up-points-under-steve-bruce-but-is-that-enough-for-the-fans Work in progress?
  14. He will until the day he is sacked and he will then say (and Edwards will agree) that he did not have enough time or money.
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