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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. The problem with PR is that those who want to have power don't get a majority and are forced to deal not with the nice people in the middle of politics, but generally with the raving lunatics on the extremes.
  2. Especially when the only lawyer you can get to prosecute them is someone who last argued a case in the 1990's
  3. I think it is likely that they are not millionaires, which is why they are willing to prostitute themselves for another 5 minutes of fame.
  4. But ... they counted the votes and got 98% - isn't that how it works?
  5. Probably. Wouldn't necessarily stop him even if he can't, although I would hope that the Supreme Court would eventually slap him down (even though he is relying on the fact that as he "appointed" them, they will do his bidding, as with Putin, Xi, etc).
  6. Had to Google Bellingham - and had to include "football" to find him - still didn't really enlighten me
  7. The issue here is that the USA is just not yet willing to embrace some of the policies espoused by AOC, Sanders, and Warren. Biden has only been elected because those who do want those policies held their noses to get rid of Trump (something which the Labour party seems unwilling to address properly yet). Had they not done so, Trump would have won, so it was pragmatic voting. They need to ensure that they retain those voters next time, and perhaps Harris is best placed to do so, and she can move slowly to more progressive policies. The alternative is the second coming () of Trump or his Barbie daughter. I think that the Republican party would prefer someone like Pence (which is not a good alternative really, however he comes across), but if Trump is still around, he will be making too much noise for the GOP to ignore him.
  8. Just infected their computers!
  9. It's almost as if using an attacking midfielder as a defensive one isn't a good idea, tactically speaking
  10. Too old to work out how to put the actual tweet there
  11. Which frankly would probably have resulted in a much worse deal than they may actually get from Biden.
  12. Seems it isn't always obvious
  13. I assume that Trump only wants things to go to the Supreme Court, because he thinks that the Judges who he appointed (actually only nominated) are beholden to him for the lifetime job and will chuck out all legal precedent. I would like to be a fly on the wall when they say (I hope ) that they won't hear his case.
  14. McCarthyism is alive and well
  15. Cough ... Borat ... cough
  16. Bigger than ... the Beatles
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